Who Will Implement the Plan?

OneSTL Network Members will implement the plan with the guidance of an implementation committee. All local governments, businesses, organizations and residents of the St. Louis region are invited to join the Network. Network Members will achieve the goals of the plan through collaboration, ongoing communication and use of the strategies and tools.

OneSTL Network Members join on behalf of their organization or as a resident by signing the OneSTL Network Membership Pledge.

Network Members commit to:

  • Supporting the OneSTL vision, goals, objectives, and strategies.
  • Sharing their sustainable successes at OneSTL.org.
  • Providing ideas for adapting OneSTL.

Network Members are invited and encouraged to:

  • Adopt strategies identified in the plan document.
  • Share additional strategies they are implementing to help the region achieve the OneSTL goals.
  • Attend the annual OneSTL Network Gathering.

Network Members will receive:

  • Recognition as a supporter of OneSTL.
  • Regular updates on OneSTL.

An implementation committee will guide implementation of OneSTL as well as revisions to adapt the Plan to the changing needs of the region. Members of the committee will represent the spectrum of communities in the region and the range of topics included in the OneSTL Themes. The committee will meet approximately three times a year. East-West Gateway will provide staff support to the committee.

Committee members will:

  • Determine target goals and a communications plan.
  • Identify funding and partners for implementation.
  • Report to the OneSTL Network on what they and other agencies are doing to implement OneSTL.
  • Assist in revising the plan to adapt to the needs of the region.
  • Create additional working groups as needed.