When Will It Be Implemented?

Implementation of OneSTL has already begun. OneSTL Network Members are already engaged in some of the strategies listed and invite organizations and residents to join the OneSTL Network today. Implementation will be ongoing with continual communication, an annual Report to the Region and an annual OneSTL Network Gathering.

OneSTL is about planning for this generation and future generations of the St. Louis region. OneSTL does not have an end year. Not having an end year recognizes that OneSTL is about changing the way we make decisions. It is not a static plan that can be accomplished in five or 10 years; it is about how the region works together in achieving the goals of residents. Not having an end year also recognizes that the plan needs to be continually updated.

The OneSTL implementation committee will begin meeting in early 2014 and will meet approximately three times a year. The committee will review the plan on an annual basis and make changes to the goals, objectives, strategies and performance indicators based on the current needs and challenges of the region.

OneSTL.org will be updated on a regular basis. This will include updates on the performance measurements, additions to the toolkit, and modifications to strategies and listed OneSTL Network Members.

OneSTL Report to the Region will be released in tandem with the annual OneSTL Network Gathering. Both will include an update on the region’s progress on meeting the plan goals based on the performance indicators and reports from OneSTL Network Members on what they are doing to make the St. Louis region more sustainable.