Themes, Goals, Objectives & Strategies
The vision for the future of the St. Louis region is expressed in nine Themes. These Themes collectively support the vision for the region's sustainable future. They incorporate the results of 18 months of public engagement, on-line surveys, technical reports from partners, general input from committee members and partners, and workshops with municipal officials.
- Theme
- Themes are nine one-word descriptions of what residents, local government officials, representatives from non-profit organizations, and regional leaders said they want for the future of the St. Louis region.
- Goal
- Statement of a desired outcome. Goals are organized by the nine Themes. Due to the scale of OneSTL as a regional effort, the Goals are stated broadly to allow for a range of Objectives and Strategies.
- Objective
- Statement that further defines the goal and introduces an action to ahcieve the goal. Objectives are grouped in the nine Themes under the Goals. Objectives are statements that further define the Goals and introduce actions that will help achieve the Goal.
- Strategy
- A program, policy, or initiative that is or will be implemented that leads to accomplishing a goal. Strategies are being implemented by OneSTL Network Members and can be employed by others to help the region meet the goals of OneSTL.
These themes, goals, objectives and strategies provide an outline for what the people of St. Louis want for the future of the region and how we will achieve it. The vision for the future of the St. Louis region is expressed in nine themes, which collectively define sustainability for our region.
The regional planning process was a three-year effort with the goal of finding out what “sustainability” means to the residents of St. Louis and determining how regional and local organizations can better coordinate and collaborate to build a sustainable region. OneSTL was developed through:
- Community Input: The values, priorities, and concerns of residents, local government officials, and other community leaders were gathered through telephone surveys, interviews, public meetings, on-line surveys, focus groups, and open houses. Questions asked included: What do you value? What should be changed? What should be preserved? The themes and goals reflect what we heard from people from throughout the eight-county region.
- Technical Studies and Reports: Seventy-five technical plans and reports were completed as part of the planning process. These reports provide data and contextual information for the current environment in the region. They provide a baseline understanding of what is happening with such things as housing, the economy, transit- oriented development, climate change, bike and walk planning, and racial equity issues as well as provide best practices for addressing local and regional challenges. The results of these studies helped shape the objectives and strategies for achieving the goals of the many communities of the St. Louis region.
- Committee Input: The members of the committees that worked to create OneSTL represent a wide variety of organizations and advocate for an equally wide variety of constituents. The technical and topic-area expertise brought by the committee members were essential in developing the objectives and strategies.
A collaborative St. Louis region will work cooperatively for the benefit of all citizens. Collaboration preserves the individual identity of cities, towns, and neighborhoods while allowing residents and communities to benefit from shared resources, coordinated services, and increased efficiency.
Residents in every county have expressed their appreciation of the small town feel of our regional communities, combined with the amenities of a large metropolitan area. The Regional Economic Assessment, Regional Water Infrastructure Assessment, and Transit Oriented Development Market Assessment conducted as part of this plan all identify collaboration as a vital component to the success of the St. Louis region. Leaders and residents alike have, for many years, recognized the need to share common goals and effectively coordinate local resources.
Collaboration is an essential element in achieving many of the other goals identified in this project. OneSTL partners will use the regional plan as an opportunity to organize leaders, residents, and resources to build a collaborative future. The St. Louis region will continue to support collaboration among local governments, agencies, and communities.
Goal 1: Facilitate coordinated regional leadership.
Objective 1: Strengthen the OneSTL network of regional leaders to enable collaboration and strategic allocation of resources.
- Create an Advisory Committee to advise and encourage implementation of OneSTL. EWG
- Use outreach and presentations to bring additional partner organizations into the regional initiative. EWG, Partners
- Dovetail Livable St. Louis Network activities with OneSTL. Trailnet, Partners
- Continue leadership immersion training programs for regional citizens. Focus
- Reach out to anchor institutions and identify opportunities for enhancing implementation of OneSTL. OneSTL Network
- Use OneSTL network during the development of large-scale planning efforts to solicit input and feedback from a diverse cross-section of agencies. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Create an on-going evaluation process that allows regional leadership to monitor conditions, measure progress toward goals, and refine OneSTL.
- Host an annual OneSTL Network Gathering to establish and strengthen peer networks, provide living case studies and tools, measure progress and celebrate successes. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Partner with other conferences such as the Livable St. Louis Conference and St. Louis Earth Day Symposium to showcase OneSTL projects and inform Network members and the region on the plan's progress. OneSTL Network, EWG, LSLN, SLED
- Cross-market the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit, Healthy, Active and Vibrant Communities Toolkit, and Sustainable Neighborhoods Toolkit. EWG, Trailnet, SLC, LSLN
- Report on progress in meeting OneSTL goals through OneSTL Network conferences and programs. Rise, Trailnet, EHOC
- Review the performance of the plan and update it accordingly on an annual basis. EWG, OneSTL Network
Goal 2: Increase inter-jurisdictional cooperation.
Objective 1: Provide information and resources needed to support local decisions that result in net benefits for the region.
- Update the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit of best practices with tools and best practices that leverage inter-jurisdictional cooperation. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Highlight examples of successful cooperation on and in other media. EWG
- Develop and share information about cities that are implementing cooperative agreements. EWG
- Heighten awareness of the importance of regionalism through media and other outlets. EWG
Objective 2: Improve the connection between local, regional, state, and federal planning efforts to efficiently use and leverage funding.
- Leverage federal funding sources for OneSTL projects. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Support projects that connect and leverage multiple sources of funding. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Collect and share information on grants and loans available for community improvements and community development. EWG, CBN
- Act as clearing house of information on local and regional initiatives. EWG
Goal 3: Strengthen neighborhood and community collaboration.
Objective 1: Support local efforts and networks that empower residents to strengthen and maintain conditions in their own neighborhoods and communities.
- Develop a sustainable neighborhoods toolkit. SLC, Rise, EWG
- Continue and expand community development corporation and neighborhood association capacity building programs. Rise, CBN, SLACO
- Promote volunteer activities through an online database and media outlets. EWG, SLC, GRG
- Support community development programs such as the City of St. Louis Neighborhood Small Grant Competition. SLC
Objective 2: Increase public engagement and communication in regional and local planning efforts.
- Involve residents in the local decision-making processes through on-line surveys, open house meetings, social media, and other innovative techniques. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Promote the OneSTL website as a source of information about local events and activities. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Develop and implement a new and innovative public involvement program. EWG
- Provide opportunities for communities to actively participate in OneSTL plan implementation activities such as participating in walkability audits. OneSTL Network, Trailnet
- Include OneSTL implementation elements as objectives in community grants. OneSTL Network
Goal 4: Improve access to information for local government officials and citizens.
Objective 1: Provide access to data that is needed to make informed, sustainable decisions.
- Maintain the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit so that it is a valuable resource for local governments, citizens, and organizations. EWG
- Provide training and maintain data on the St. Louis Regional Data Exchange EWG, SLU
- Provide information to residents and organizations about sustainability principles, projects, and regional data through the OneSTL website, Sustainable Solutions Toolkit, St. Louis Regional Data Exchange and partner websites. SLU, EWG, Rise, MoBOT, OneSTL Network
- Expand research and planning capacity to assist local municipalities. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Support data collection projects for sustainable modes of transportation. EWG, Trailnet
A prosperous St. Louis region will promote economic growth that supports our local communities and equitably benefits all of the regions citizens. Prosperity capitalizes and builds upon our unique regional assets to create a resilient economy that is strong both nationally and globally.
Residents and regional leaders stress the importance of a strong economy for the sustainability of the region. Compared to other major metropolitan regions, St. Louis is in the middle of the pack with respect to many economic and social characteristics, including education levels, income growth, and poverty rates. The recent recession impacted St. Louis about as much as it did the nation as a whole, as measured by changes in employment levels and housing price. St. Louis, like many regions, is redefining its niche in the global marketplace after decades of losing manufacturing jobs and corporate headquarters.
St. Louis has unique assets, many of which are related to its geographic location. OneSTL partners will continue to work together to strengthen and support existing coordinated economic development efforts, increase the use of sustainable practices in government and businesses that protect our natural resources, focus on quality jobs and the local economy and reduce racial disparities in economic opportunities.
Goal 1: Approach economic development regionally.
Objective 1: Support local and regional efforts that facilitate cooperative economic development beneficial to local communities and to the region.
- Encourage collaboration among economic development agencies within the region. EWG, Chamber, Fed
- Use scenario planning and models to analyze and evaluate potential impacts of development decisions in an innovative way. EWG
- Bolster the existing Greater St. Louis Economic Development Network to be even more inclusive and collaborative. SLC, SLCo, Chamber
- Support collaborative, sub-regional economic development planning focused on adjacent communities. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Remediate and prepare vacant properties for redevelopment. SLC, OneSTL Network
- Provide education on the economic benefits of incorporating walk and bike friendly elements in business corridors. Trailnet
Objective 2: Promote economic growth and investment by leveraging the region’s natural, cultural, and infrastructure assets.
- Align communities with the St. Louis Regional Chamber's "One Region, One Plan" economic development strategy. Chamber
- Work with the regional convention and visitors commissions to market the St. Louis region. Chamber, Trailnet, OneSTL Network
- Promote the region's strength in water supply as an economic development opportunity. MWIF, Chamber, HLC
- Strengthen the connection between economic development and community development. Rise
- Expand the existing international and regional airport infrastructure and network to advance the shipping/logistics industry and promote more efficient business and leisure travel. OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Strengthen coordination of economic development efforts among local governments.
- Conduct workshops for local government officials, economic development agencies, and other OneSTL Network to position each community to strengthen regional economic growth. OneSTL Network
- Encourage local governments to report on successful sustainable economic development efforts to be showcased on the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and at the OneSTL Network Gathering. EWG
Goal 2: Incorporate sustainable practices into government economic development strategies and decisions.
Objective 1: Encourage local governments to implement sustainable development practices such as bike, walk and transit facilities that have low impact on the environment.
- Use the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit to provide sample Transit Oriented Development overlay codes/form based codes as tools to link transit to development. EWG
- Use best practices guidebooks developed as part of OneSTL as tools for local government planning. EWG, Trailnet, HLC, GRG, EHOC
- Encourage adoption of business retention and expansion policies at all levels of government. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Use site-specific green infrastructure and low impact development strategies to improve livability in neighborhoods. HLC
- Establish incentives for local economic development investment that redevelops or re-occupies previously developed land and buildings. HLC, SLC
- Focus business retention on economic sectors that simultaneously contribute to regional growth and local fiscal diversification. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Promote transportation policy and design that enhances access to local businesses and strengthens communities. Trailnet, EWG
- Provide local government officials with education on effects of parking policies on local business development. Trailnet
- Encourage policies in line with the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and national best practices to incorporate bike, walk, and transit facilities and infrastructure into routine road maintenance and development projects. Trailnet, LSLN, EWG
Objective 2: Focus economic development efforts on quality jobs.
- Conduct research on the effect of tax policy on quality job development. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Promote ordinances that require local government employees, contractors, and companies receiving development incentives to pay their employees a living wage. OneSTL Network
Goal 3: Promote resource-efficient business practices.
Objective 1: Encourage businesses to employ sustainable business practices that protect the natural resources of the region and promote livable communities.
- Promote the Green Business Challenge and other sustainable business development iniatives. Chamber, EWG, USGBC-MGC, MBG
- Encourage green business development along the model of the Greenprint plan for green business development. Chamber, USGBC-MGC
- Demonstrate the financial return on investment from improved environmental sensitivity in economic development and employment. HLC, TNC
Goal 4: Build the regional economy.
Objective 1: Support entrepreneurship, creativity, and small business creation.
- Support new funding streams for entrepreneurial ventures. Chamber
- Support the St. Louis Mosaic Project and increase entrepreneurship among the immigrant population. Intln
Objective 2: Encourage the production, marketing, and consumption of locally produced food, goods, and services.
- Research and support programs, companies and organizations that produce and promote local foods, goods and services. LSLN
- Promote practices, tools and programs that produce local foods, goods and services through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and website. EWG
- Encourage zoning policies that allow land use for production of local food, goods and services. LSLN
Objective 3: Develop a skilled, creative, adaptive and diverse workforce.
- Conduct workforce training programs to prepare workers for the jobs of today and the future. Chamber, SWILC, OneSTL Network
- Support initiatives to increase the number of college graduates in the region. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Measure and report on quality jobs, unemployment, personal income, and numbers of citizens living in poverty. EWG
Objective 4: Support a diversified economy.
- Encourage growth of strong economic clusters by supporting Missouri's "Strategic Initiative for Economic Growth", and the development of a statewide economic development plan in Illinois. Chamber, SWILC
- Support entrepreneurial programs and funding. Chamber, LCSI
- Provide data on the St. Louis economy on the OneSTL website. EWG
Goal 5: Reduce racial disparities in economic opportunities.
Objective 1: Increase workforce diversity and inclusion programs.
- Research and monitor minority hiring and training programs and evaluate success of diversity inclusion plans. EHOC
- Provide education and training for low income individuals and information to local governments on methods and requirements for such training. EHOC
- Reduce geographic segregation. Rise
- Publicize data on changing demographics and reality of changing workforce. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Support the development and implementation of workforce inclusion policies like St. Louis City's Board Bill 297. SLC, OneSTL Network
A distinctive St. Louis region will embrace the variety of cities, towns, and neighborhoods that make our communities vibrant and accessible places to live and work. A distinctive region builds upon our unique community characteristics to provide a diversity of places and housing options that support all of our citizens.
Residents consistently voiced their fondness for their community, because of its unique or distinctive characteristics. In many parts of the region, there are stable multi-generational communities with strong family ties and unique neighborhoods that entice young people to remain or return to their roots. However, many communities suffer from lack of services, including restaurants or banks, lack safe conditions for walking, biking, or have limited access to parks or recreation facilities. Many communities lack adequate transportation connections to other parts of the region.
Our distinctive neighborhoods and communities provide the region’s residents with choices about where and how to live. Urban, suburban and rural neighborhoods with varying characteristics enrich the quality of life for the region’s residents. OneSTL partners will work to preserve the character of our local communities, enhance access to transportation opportunities, amenities, and community services, and provide a variety of housing types and affordability to address the diversity of our region’s citizens.
Goal 1: Strengthen the identity of the region.
Objective 1: Support efforts that create or strengthen regional initiatives.
- Build regional support for major projects that support the distinctive character of the St. Louis region, including CityArchRiver 2015, Mounds of the Mississippian era, and the regional parks and trails network. GRG, MEPRD, HLC, OneSTL Network
- Encourage cooperation to support and promote regional cultural amenities, including the institutions in the Zoo-Museum District. OneSTL Network
- Support initiatives of the Regional Arts Commission and others to incorporate art into public spaces. OneSTL Network
- Promote Mounds World Heritage site as a national monument, and build bicycle trails that link communities to the site. HLC, Trailnet, MEPRD, IDOT
- Link ancient and contemporary communities together through Mounds Heritage Trail and secure public ownership of archeological sites from willing sellers. HLC, Trailnet, SLC, SLCo, IDOT, MoDOT
Goal 2: Invest in existing communities.
Objective 1: Preserve historic places and important cultural and heritage sites.
- Encourage local planning that protects historical and cultural sites during development. HLC, OneSTL Network
- Support incentive programs that facilitate historic preservation and promote the use of such programs through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
Objective 2: Encourage communities to update municipal codes and ordinances to facilitate sustainable decision-making.
- Encourage the five pilot study communities to implement recommended changes and share results with peer local governments. HLC, EWG, OneSTL Network
- Conduct additional municipal code and ordinance studies. EWG, HLC
- Provide education on how to update zoning codes using the St. Louis County Code assessment manual as a model. EWG, SLCo, OneSTL Network
- Provide information on form based codes as a tool for development, especially around transit stations, employment centers and in town centers. SLCo, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Leverage existing infrastructure and investments.
- Promote maintenance, rehabilitation, and repurposing of existing infrastructure and buildings. EWG, SLC, SLCo, USGBC-MGC
- Prioritize the redevelopment of brownfield sites. SLC, SLCo, USGBC-MGC, OneSTL Network
- Develop stakeholder-driven plans for brownfield redevelopment in key sites such as Granite City Gateway District. HLC, MCo, OneSTL Network
Objective 4: Promote economic activity through lively and attractive streets.
- Support local Great Streets and complete streets development that enhances the distinctive character of communities within the region. EWG, HLC, Trailnet
- Assist in the implementation of existing Great Streets plans such as Page Avenue, Grand Center, Dorsett Road, and Manchester Road. EWG
- Provide Great Streets consulting services and training. EWG
- Host community engagement events such as Open Streets to increase use and appreciation of Great Streets and complete streets as well as knowledge of local business corridors. Trailnet
Goal 3: Increase diversity of housing stock.
Objective 1: Increase the availability of affordable housing.
- Provide information to local officials on ways to build partnerships with developers in order to create mixed use and mixed price developments through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. EWG, Rise
- Provide workshops on using zoning codes that allow for increased density, mixed-use, and mixed-income housing. LSLN, OneSTL Network
- Promote use of to local governments and landlords for advertising affordable rental properties. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Increase the availability and variety of accessible housing options to accommodate changing family and individual housing needs.
- Encourage municipalities to include universal design in building standards and use a functional approach to new construction and retrofits of existing buildings through initiatives such as the Universal Design Summit, consultation services, the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and other partner activities. Starkloff, Paraquad
- Establish incentives that encourage diverse housing options. OneSTL Network
- Locate housing near transit, greenways, jobs, institutions and urban centers. OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Increase understanding of the need for housing options in all communities.
- Explore housing affordability challenges and enhance public awareness of challenges, needs and solutions by working with the local media. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Work with local governments to understand the impact of diversified housing stock on municipal services and finances through research and conversations. OneSTL Network
- Provide data and information on the availability of housing options in communities through the OneSTL website,, and partner programs. EWG, SLU, SLCo, SLC
Goal 4: Foster active and healthy lifestyles.
Objective 1: Promote (re)development of accessible, walkable, bikeable and transit oriented neighborhoods.
- Encourage wellness programs like “Live Well Ferguson” throughout the region. Trailnet, LSLN
- Work with health oriented foundations and institutions to develop programs to meet the region’s health goals and measure progress in meeting those goals. ARC, MFH, Trailnet, GCG
- Provide workshops for local officials on strategies for developing walkable business districts. EWG, Trailnet, LSLN
- Encourage local governments to create bicycle and pedestrian master plans for neighborhoods. Trailnet, LSLN
- Encourage local governments to include universal design in planning and ordinances. Starkloff
- Promote bike parking ordinances and bike rack availability. SLC, Trailnet, OneSTL Network
- Assist communities in applying for Walk Friendly or Bike Friendly Community status. Trailnet
Objective 2: Maintain and improve residents’ access to quality parks and recreational opportunities.
- Develop an analysis of access to open space and parks (“Park Score”), and identify areas that are not adequately served. EWG, ARC
- Identify and improve connections from neighborhoods to parks through trails, on-road bikeways, sidewalks and development of new parks. EWG, GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
- Provide easy access to greenspace, trails or parks within a half mile or 10 minute walk of most residents. SLC, Trailnet, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Increase access to local, fresh and healthy food.
- Support the Farm to Family Naturally Mobile Market program and other similar programs. CMT, Metro
- Conduct analysis of locations of “food deserts” and work with local government and non-profit organizations to address access to fresh food. MFH
- Provide information on market opportunities for locally produced food. GG, SLG
- Decrease obesity through programs such as Small Changes for Health, Let's Move STL, Live Well Ferguson and Good 4 U! SLC, OneSTL Network
- Support land use policies that encourage and incentivize community, school and home gardens. LSLN
Goal 5: Reduce combined housing and transportation costs.
Objective 1: Encourage land use and transportation planning that increases access, promotes health and reduces costs for residents.
- Work with local governments, transit providers and developers to implement Transit Oriented Development Plans (TOD) developed through OneSTL. CMT
- Assist communities that have bus and light rail services to implement TOD plans. CMT
- Develop a TOD website and lecture series. CMT
- Track and publicize regional statistics on transportation costs in relation to housing costs. EWG, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Increase access to multi-modal transportation options.
- Promote expansion of the regional Bike Plan to counties that are currently not covered. GRG, Trailnet
- Encourage local governments to adopt complete streets policies to support multi-modal transportation and enhance safe bicycling and walking. Trailnet, LSLN, GRG, HLC
- Encourage affordable housing near transit. LSLN
- Hold workshops on the economic and health benefits of complete streets. Trailnet, LSLN
Goal 6: Increase safety of neighborhoods.
Objective 1: Increase overall safety and welfare in neighborhoods and communities.
- Promote cooperative efforts among residents, government officials, and law enforcement agencies. LSLN, SLC, SLCo
- Improve pedestrian signal placement and response time of signals to encourage pedestrian use of designated crosswalks. LSLN
Objective 2: Promote neighborhood and site design that helps deter crime.
- Conduct workshops on improving neighborhood safety through planning and design using such programs as the Crime Prevention through Environmental Design approach. LSLN
- Identify opportunities to increase pedestrian and bicycle traffic that will put more eyes on the street to deter crime. LSLN, GRG
- Use research to identify key areas for crime prevention and work with law enforcement to focus attention on these areas. SLC, SLCo, OneSTL Network
An inclusive St. Louis region will embrace its entire population. Inclusiveness recognizes the value of diversity in creating and maintaining a vibrant, entrepreneurial, and globally-competitive region.
The St. Louis region has a rich legacy of diversity in ethnicity, age, religion, lifestyle, race, socio-economic groups, and affiliations. Today it can be seen in the burgeoning immigrant populations from Bosnia, Vietnam, China, India, Mexico, and the Middle East. If we want to be a truly inclusive region, it is crucial that we address issues such as poverty, education, infant mortality, unemployment, crime, income, and higher education.
A metropolitan area that embraces, empowers, and builds upon its diversity tends to be more creative, equitable, entrepreneurial, and resilient. OneSTL partners will provide tools and policies to increase the social and economic well-being of all demographic groups represented in our region, and in the process, reduce the number of areas where poverty and inequity is concentrated.
Goal 1: Embrace the region’s civic and cultural diversity.
Objective 1: Recognize and embrace diverse cultures and neighborhoods.
- Develop marketing strategies to reinforce a culture of inclusion and dispel myths about immigration. Intln, WTC
- Work with neighborhoods and community organizations to identify civic and cultural values and highlight programs that showcase those values on the OneSTL website. EWG
- Ensure programs exist to engage citizens and enhance their skills around diversity issues. FOCUS, DAP, NCCJ, LSC
Goal 2: Eliminate areas of concentrated poverty.
Objective 1: Spur redevelopment in areas of concentrated poverty through public investments.
- Encourage TOD at MetroLink stations that are in or close to racially concentrated areas of poverty. EHOC, CMT, EWG
- Identify areas with prime development potential in racially concentrated areas of poverty and market these areas. ULI, Chamber, SWILC
- Consider the specific needs of racially concentrated areas of poverty as a factor in the allocation of transportation funds and programs through the transportation improvement program and long-range transportation plan. EWG
- Encourage local governments to prioritize high poverty areas for funding allocated through economic councils and community development block grant funds. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Increase private investment in concentrated areas of poverty.
- Support the adoption of responsible banking ordinances. EHOC
- Promote partnerships between community organizations and financial institutions that increase services and investments in low-income communities and fulfill bank Community Reinvestment Act obligations. EHOC
- Use Great Streets plans to support neighborhood reinvestment. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Develop strategies to reduce homelessness by linking housing providers, economic development stakeholders and social service providers. SLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Increase availability of affordable and workforce housing in areas of opportunity, where poverty is not pervasive.
- Discuss with state housing finance agencies ways to include a greater emphasis on low-income housing tax credit developments in areas with lower minority populations and areas of high opportunity as part of the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) criteria for development proposals. EHOC, Rise
- Promote local governments' use of density bonuses to encourage development that increases the percentage of affordable units in new developments, locating housing near transit and employment centers, projects that utilize universal design, and for developing infill sites. OneSTL Network
- Encourage municipalities to pass inclusionary zoning ordinances that require affordable units in new developments by providing models. EHOC, OneSTL Network
Objective 4: Increase protection for source of income discrimination by including protections for housing financial assistance like Section 8 vouchers.
- Encourage municipalities to include source of income protection in their human rights statute by providing model language and support for this amendment. EHOC
- Support an expansion of the state-wide human rights act to include source of income and specifically housing financial assistance protections. EHOC
Goal 3: Encourage integrated communities.
Objective 1: Increase racially, ethnically and economically integrated communities throughout the region.
- Develop education and marketing messages that promote diversity and highlight the benefits of integrated communities. EHOC, LSLN
- Identify organizations that can have meaningful impact in specific neighborhoods and encourage focus on integration and involvement of residents. LSLN, Trailnet, SLACO
- Develop and promote the use of, a website designed with a search function that increases housing choices in diverse areas for people looking to move. EHOC
- Encourage local governments to promote information about integrated communities on their websites and in education materials as part of affirmatively furthering fair housing requirements. EHOC
- Hold programs and events that educate about the history of exclusion in the region and the benefits of integrated communities. EHOC
Objective 2: Increase regional fair housing enforcement.
- Encourage local governments to conduct fair housing testing in rental, sales, and lending markets as a part of their obligations to affirmatively further fair housing. EHOC
- Provide additional fair housing education resources, materials and trainings for local governments and community members. EHOC
Goal 4: Improve access to opportunities.
Objective 1: Provide equitable access to jobs, housing, education, health care, financial services and other services.
- Support programs and organizations that work toward gender and lifestyle equality. OneSTL Network
- Develop partnerships to advance awareness and access to services related to disabilities and mental health. OneSTL Network
- Ensure that discussion about increasing access to opportunities is included and prioritized in regional policy planning. OneSTL Network
- Research access to opportunity and improve documentation for community development. Rise
- Assist in developing a course of action to improve access to high-speed broadband connectivity. EWG
- Improve service to neighborhoods by promoting tools and best practices through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. SLC, OneSTL Network
- Increase access to mainstream financial services in underserved communities by ensuring that banks are serving all parts of the community and developing partnerships to improve products, services and investments. EHOC
- Encourage affordable and workforce housing in areas of opportunity. EHOC
- Consider walking, biking and public transit access to education and job centers during regional transportation planning. EWG, Trailnet, Metro
Objective 2: Increase the opportunities for all youth to have high quality, meaningful, safe access to education, job training, art, physical activity and social interactions.
- Identify existing programs and partnerships that provide opportunities for youth. OneSTL Network, SLC
- Identify the gaps and needs for youth opportunities and work with partners to increase opportunities. OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Improve quality of life in low-income neighborhoods.
Objective 1: Increase the safety and quality of housing.
- Promote enhanced code enforcement through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. OneSTL Network
- Support educational initiatives for homeowners on ways to improve housing quality through home maintenance. BH
- Research best practices for addressing absentee landlords and promote the use of such tools through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG, CBN
Objective 2: Increase civic engagement of typically underrepresented populations.
- Research best practices for involving low-income, minority and foreign-born populations and implement through public involvement programs. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Provide training on increasing opportunities for civic engagement. EWG, FOCUS
- Develop partnerships to increase engagement of typically underrepresented populations in public decision-making. IntIn, EWG, BH, EHOC, OneSTL Network
- Provide dialogue opportunities around community policy issues. FOCUS, LSLN
A green St. Louis region will protect and enhance its natural systems while improving the performance of its water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure. Green strategies create networks for natural habitat, recreation, access to nature, flood mitigation, and water and air quality improvement.
Residents in communities across the region desire clean air, water, and access to open space and parks for recreation and enjoyment. They also expressed concern about flooding, soil erosion, and the increasing costs of sewer services. The Regional Water Infrastructure Assessment and Pilot Study process also show that water resource needs and costs will increase significantly in the coming decades as sewer districts and cities in the region replace obsolete infrastructure and improve water quality.
A healthy and well-functioning natural environment is critical to a strong economy and citizen quality of life. Investments in parks and green spaces can benefit communities. OneSTL partners will pursue strategies and policies for blue and green infrastructure investments that will save money for both governments and citizens while also providing enhanced water quality and reduced flood risk.
Goal 1: Protect the quality of our natural resources and environment.
Objective 1: Strengthen public understanding of the value of our natural resources in supporting healthy communities, a healthy economy and healthy citizens.
- Research the financial benefits of natural resource planning and protection and report the findings to local governments through workshops, website and the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. HLC
- Develop partnerships between resource agencies, universities, and schools to enable the sharing of technical research with the public. EWG, MBG, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Encourage local governments to use EWG’s natural communities and ecological significance data in planning.
- Hold public/municipal workshops on resource planning and use of GIS data in planning. SLU, EWG, OneSTL Network
- Provide information through the St. Louis Regional Data Exchange and OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG, SLU
Objective 3: Develop a culture that understands and values regional and local sustainability.
- Conduct workshops for community leaders on the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit, St. Louis Regional Data Exchange and the triple bottom line benefits of implementing recommendations from OneSTL. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Develop partnerships between local, state and federal agencies to address regional sustainability. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Conduct robust citizen engagement to ensure local concerns and interests are reflected in OneSTL updates. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Promote sustainability practices such as recycling, composting and bicycle parking at all public arts and cultural events. SLC, MBG, OneSTL Network
Goal 2: Plan for and invest in green infrastructure.
Objective 1: Increase the use of green infrastructure to improve the health of communities.
- Develop green infrastructure strategic plans at a regional, community, and site scale with detailed strategies and priority implementation for specific watersheds. EWG, HLC, MBG, OneSTL Network
- Map existing green infrastructure and analyze opportunities for future green infrastructure projects. HLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Improve regional and site specific stormwater management.
- Use ecological significance data to identify wetlands, flood plains and other critical areas to protect or mitigate. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Use GIS and modeling to evaluate impact of green infrastructure on water quality. HLC
- Encourage cooperation among local governments and sewer districts throughout the region to address stormwater, erosion and flooding. HLC, MBG
- Encourage the use of development incentives that protect natural resources. HLC
Goal 3: Guarantee clean water for all citizens.
Objective 1: Improve the health of our watersheds and waterways for drinking, aesthetics, and recreation.
- Work with local governments and property owners to identify priority streams and complete watershed based storm water management plans. EWG, HLC, OneSTL Network
- Increase awareness of the EPA Clean Water Act, including number of miles of impaired streams, and number of miles of streams assessed. OneSTL Network
- Prioritize areas for watershed planning based on analysis of sewage treatment facilities, water quality monitoring and local concerns. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Encourage watershed based mitigation projects to protect water quality when publicly funded projects negatively impact streams, wetlands or key resources. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Implement Illinois EPA Non-Point Source Management Program through 5-year priority watershed rotation (Planning, Implementation, Monitoring). HLC
- Develop watershed plan for upper Silver Creek. HLC
- Assist communities in developing a water quality scorecard and modifying ordinances to achieve higher scorecard ratings. HLC
- Develop a comprehensive regional plan for water supply and wastewater that will fully document aging water infrastructure and create strategies for critical threats to water quality such as malfunctioning septic systems. HLC, MSD, AW, SLCo, MWIP
Objective 2: Promote rainscaping as a way individual property owners can help to reduce stormwater runoff and improve water quality.
- Provide programs, such as the RainScape Rebates Program, for local officials and homeowners. MSD, MBG
- Promote the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit of best practices through workshops and social media. EWG, HLC, MBG
Goal 4: Exceed clean air standards.
Objective 1: Maintain priority focus on clean air for the region.
- Coordinate the Interagency Consultation Group and Air Quality Advisory Committee to achieve and maintain air quality standards for the region. EWG
- Continue collaboration with local media on ozone air quality reporting. SLRCAP
- Develop a relationship with social media to increase public awareness of the daily ozone levels and air quality. ALA, SLRCAP, EWG
- Continue efforts to reduce vehicles miles traveled (VMT). CMT, EWG, Metro, GRG, Trailnet
- Implement a new Try-n-Ride program to attract more people to transit. CMT
Objective 2: Prioritize public investments, encourage private activities, and educate individuals on actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.
- Conduct workshops for local governments on GHG inventories. USGBC-MGC
- Promote the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit of best practices for energy savings and GHG reduction. EWG, USGBC-MGC
- Encourage local governments to conduct periodic (every 3-5 years) Greenhouse Gas emissions inventory and develop plans to reduce emissions from government operations and from the community at large. SLU, USGBC-MGC
- Share success of City of St. Louis GHG inventory and follow up actions through the website, OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. SLC
- Research and implement a regional GHG inventory and plan. EWG
- Support region-wide greenhouse gas emission reductions. SLC, SLU, USGBC-MGC, OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Provide increased access to nature for all citizens.
Objective 1: Link neighborhoods to natural areas, parks, recreational amenities, and gardens.
- Encourage communities to create bicycle and pedestrian links from neighborhoods to parks. GRG, Trailnet, LSLN, MBG
- Convert vacant, publicly owned land to pocket parks as part of redevelopment strategies. OneSTL Network
Goal 6: Promote municipal sustainability planning.
Objective 1: Educate community leaders about the benefits of implementing environmental best practices, sustainability plans, and other tools.
- Promote the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit through workshops, newsletters and partnerships. EWG, LSLN
- Present to professional organizations and municipal officials. EWG, OneSTL Network, MBG
- Share information on successful planning initiatives, such as the Green Power Challenge in Creve Coeur and Clayton and the Cool Cities program in Alton and Granite City through the OneSTL website and Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
- Create a sustainability resource toolkit for neighborhoods. SLC, EWG, Rise
- Encourage local governments to track their sustainability initiatives. SLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Improve tree canopy.
- Hold workshops for the public and officials on importance of tree health, methods to promote tree growth, and strategies for non-invasive tree selection in local communities. MDC, FRL, HLC
- Report on percent of tree canopy in municipalities. MDC, FRL, HLC
- Provide workshops for local governments on effective strategies for street tree planting to increase healthy street trees. MDC, FRL, HLC
- Encourage local governments to take action to improve tree canopy through programs such programs as Tree City USA. HLC, FRL, SLC
- Encourage tree plantings on walking, biking and transit corridors to provide comfort and increase the appeal of using alternative modes of transportation. MDC, GRG, Trailnet
Goal 7: Protect open areas.
Objective 1: Conserve agricultural and forest resources, cultural sites and open space.
- Use ecological data as a planning tool to identify significant features to protect during development. HLC, EWG
- Promote use of conservation easements as incentive for property owners to protect agricultural resources. HLC
- Encourage local jurisdictions to provide density bonuses for developers who provide open space/parks in new developments and redevelopment projects. EWG, HLC
- Develop hazard mitigation plans, including recommendations for the buy-out of repetitive loss properties to reduce risk and improve community safety. EWG, HLC, OneSTL Network
- Organize local agencies and county governments to determine an approach to defining open spaces and collecting/maintaining data on open spaces in the region. OneSTL Network
A prepared St. Louis region will be organized and equipped with the resources, capabilities and plans to maintain safe and healthy cities and to respond to the unexpected natural or man-made disaster. When a crisis occurs, a prepared region is able to respond quickly, efficiently and responsibly to meet the needs of all citizens.
Across the region, residents expressed concerns about flooding. In some communities, crime and neighborhood safety were also key issues. Working together, local governments can be more effective in addressing regional challenges such as preparing for unprecedented draught or flood, or addressing problems of neighborhood safety.
Safety in our communities is based on relationships, trust, communication and the work of fostering relationships among residents, local officials, law enforcement and the many agencies with overlapping jurisdictional authorities. OneSTL partners will work to prepare communities to address local problems as they arise. A prepared region is a more resilient region; and prepared local governments working together provide a strong base for that resilience.
Goal 1: Protect communities from known risks of natural disaster by focusing on prevention.
Objective 1: Reduce exposure to risks and hazards through improved disaster planning actions.
- Create a regional disaster and emergency recovery scenario plan. STARRS
- Update, strengthen and support local hazard mitigation plans and emergency management and disaster recovery scenario plans. EWG, STARRS
- Maintain and improve a civilian notification system. EWG, STARRS
Objective 2: Increase understanding of risks and take appropriate actions to minimize risks of flooding.
- Promote stream corridor protection strategies to reduce flood risk and reduce costs of stream channel maintenance. MWIP, EWG
- Encourage municipal participation in the Community Rating System (CRS) program run by the National Flood Insurance Program. NFIP
- Work with US Army Corps of Engineers and other partners to complete a cumulative effects study of the regional levee system. HLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Reduce the severity of future events through mitigation and adaptation efforts.
- Complete a comprehensive regional Climate Change Action Plan. OneSTL Network
- Include mitigation strategies for all publicly funded projects. OneSTL Network
- Encourage local governments to implement climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. EWG
Objective 4: Encourage development that is compatible with hazard mitigation plans.
- Discourage development in hazard areas by providing data and information for decision-making. EWG, STARRS
- Promote building and design standards for development that minimize risk or costs from natural disasters. STARRS, OneSTL Network
Goal 2: Strengthen capabilities for shared disaster response.
Objective 1: Increase cooperation among first responders.
- Continue facilitating STARRS Board of Directors and committee meetings to support regional coordination and cooperation. EWG, STARRS
Objective 2: Promote community involvement in preparedness efforts.
- Increase awareness of Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD) program. EWG, STARRS
- Assist with establishing a COAD in each county. STARRS
Goal 3: Respond quickly to emergencies.
Objective 1: Save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human needs in the aftermath of natural and man-made incidents.
- Maintain a unified emergency response system. STARRS
- Continue to improve communications among agencies. STARRS
Goal 4: Enable efficient and effective recovery.
Objective 1: Build systems that focus on timely restoration, improvement and revitalization of infrastructure, housing, economic activity, social structures, and environmental conditions in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
- Assist the Regional COAD committee in identifying events, incidents, accidents, disasters, etc., that occur in the region and need a coordinated effort for recovery. STARRS
- Prepare plans of action to facilitate recovery from all types of disasters. STARRS
Goal 5: Improve the integrity of aging water and utility infrastructure.
Objective 1: Invest in replacement of aging water and wastewater systems to meet current and future needs.
- Advocate for federal water infrastructure funding modeled on transportation funding. HLC, MWIP
- Develop a comprehensive regional plan for water supply and wastewater. MWIP, HLC
- Provide equal access for water and waste-water systems (municipal, water district and investor-owned utilities) to the State Revolving Loan Fund. HLC, MWIP
A connected St. Louis region links residents to jobs, amenities, and community services. Connectivity provides transportation opportunities to all citizens, regardless of age, income, or ability.
Communities that are well connected within the region provide residents who commute to work, school, and other activities with more choices as to where they live. Residents in different parts of the region have very different perspectives on the range of choices they have for transportation ranging from the outlying communities where transit options are few or not available, to the core of the region where people generally feel they have more choice.
The region benefits from a system that includes a well-connected highway network, while the core of the region is served by a light rail and bus system. OneSTL partners will work to enhance the regional transportation system’s efficiency, accessibility, and range of transportation choices to reduce traffic congestion, diminish social inequities, improve air quality, and foster an economically vibrant and prosperous region.
Goal 1: Utilize transportation assets to stimulate economic development.
Objective 1: Facilitate efficient freight movement.
- Incorporate findings from freight study into regional transportation and economic development planning efforts. EWG, IDOT, MoDOT, Chamber
- Implement a regional freight transportation district to work jointly in both Missouri and Illinois portions of the region. EWG, IDOT, MoDOT, OneSTL Network
- Coordinate major freight infrastructure improvements with Midwest High Speed Rail planning. EWG, Chamber, MoDOT, IDOT
- Enhance multi-modal freight facilities to streamline freight movement. OneSTL Network
- Promote St. Louis' existing transportation assets (port, airport, railroad and interstate connections) on an international scale. OneSTL Network
- Continue to market the region as the northernmost ice-free river port along the Mississippi and engineer waterways to accommodate consistent traffic. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Support Transit Oriented Development (TOD).
- Include sample design standards for development around station areas in the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
- Create a model zoning ordinance that ensures land surrounding station areas is compatable with future TOD opportunities and include in the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
- Promote high quality pedestrian and vehicle facilities around transit stations to increase attractiveness of mixed-use development. Trailnet, LSLN
- Conduct workshops for local officials on TOD and design standards, including form based code and flexible parking standards for development around Metro stations. CMT, Metro
- Prioritize transportation investments that support mixed-use development and TOD. EWG, Metro
- Create working group to pursue implementation of TOD recommendations and plans. Metro, SLC, SLCo, CMT
Objective 3: Expand complete streets and Great Streets throughout the region.
- Identify funding for Great Streets project in Illinois. EWG, IDOT
- Research and prepare report on performance of completed Great Streets projects. EWG
- Conduct workshops for local officials on Great Streets and complete streets planning and design. EWG
- Encourage communities to adopt model complete street policies and resolutions. HLC, Trailnet
- Develop complete streets plans for cities and counties in the region. HLC, Trailnet
Goal 2: Integrate transportation and land use planning.
Objective 1: Prioritize projects for regional transportation investments that integrate land-use planning, economic, environmental and equity considerations.
- Focus planning and development efforts in areas with high growth potential (close to employment centers, with access to public transportation, and/or disinvested properties within built up areas). EWG, OneSTL Network
- Research and develop an accessibility measure to be included in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) 2045. EWG
- Continue to prioritize projects that increase access from low-income and minority communities ("environmental justice communities") to areas of high opportunity. EWG, Metro
Objective 2: Develop a Long Range Transportation plan that is consistent with OneSTL and national sustainability standards.
- Incorporate OneSTL elements such as the Ecological Initiative, housing plus transportation costs, safety, accessibility, TOD, freight, system preservation, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities into RTP 2045 project selection process. EWG
- Prioritize projects that conform to national sustainability standards outlines in MAP-21 and other national funding programs. EWG
Objective 3: Review and revise local Transportation Improvement Program to be consistent with OneSTL and national sustainability standards.
- Incorporate OneSTL and MAP-21 elements such as the Ecological Initiative, housing plus transportation costs, safety, accessibility, TOD, freight, system preservation, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities into the TIP project selection process. EWG
Goal 3: Expand public transit accessibility and utilization.
Objective 1: Increase transit ridership.
- Improve rider experience through general service and technology enhancements such as additional transit centers; a Smart Card system for automated fare payment; GPS tracking of MetroBuses; additional seating, shelters, signage, and lighting at MetroBus stops; and real-time arrival and departure bus information directly available to customers. Metro, CMT
- Promote transit through educational campaigns such as the "Ten Toe Express Walking Program","Make Your Move on Metro","Monthly Transit Picture Contest","Tapping Into Transit","and "Try-n-Ride." CMT
- Increase the use of incentives for riding transit such as workplace programs like the “Guaranteed Ride Home Program.” CMT, RideFinders
- Increase frequency of transit service to encourage ridership. Metro, MCT, SCCTD
Objective 2: Increase access to transit.
- Continue to study and identify funding sources for MetroLink expansion. Metro, EWG
- Implement recommendations from Metro's existing planning efforts including "Moving Transit Forward" and the "St. Louis Rapid Transit Connector Study." EWG, Metro, CMT
- Encourage efforts to create a dedicated state funding program for transit in Missouri. EWG, MCT, Metro, MoDOT
- Promote projects that improve connections between transit stops and surrounding communities. EWG, Metro, CMT
- Support trolley and street car initiatives. EWG, MoDOT, SLSC
- Advance use of public transit to connect arts, culture and innovation hubs. SLC, OneSTL Network
- Support the national High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program, in particular the Chicago to St. Louis route, and ensure the adequacy of transit and other modal connections at stations. EWG, CMT, Metro, MoDOT, IDOT
Goal 4: Advance active transportation initiatives.
Objective 1: Improve bicycle and pedestrian accessibility and safety through the “5 e’s”: education, engineering, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation.
- Ensure the design and construction of all bicycle facilities to meet current standards of national transportation organizations. GRG, Trailnet, MEPRD
- Partner with regional multi-modal advocacy agencies to provide bicycle awareness and education. EWG, Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD
- Provide outreach and education to regional law enforcement on bicycle and pedestrian safety and legislation. Trailnet
- Annually track the number of miles of bicycle lanes and pedestrian facilities added to the regional transportation system. GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
- Conduct regular bicycle counts at key locations in the region. Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD
- Provide education and training to municipalities on nationa best practices, standards and policies related to bicycle and pedestrian planning. GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
Objective 2: Increase bicycle and pedestrian mode share.
- Implement regional and local bike walk plans created by OneSTL and partnerships. EWG, Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD, Communities
- Work with regional partnerships to improve route signing and end-of-trip facilities. GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
- Identify funding sources for the implementation and ongoing maintenance of regional bicycle and pedestrian projects. EWG, Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD
- Advocate for transportation plans and funding that allow more people to be less car dependent. SLC, OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Effectively manage and maximize the efficiency of existing transportation assets.
Objective 1: Prioritize limited resources on rehabilitating and replacing aging infrastructure over system expansion.
- Ensure investments in preservation are adequate to continuously improve pavement and bridge conditions on state highways systems and to maintain regional transit assets. EWG, MoDOT, IDOT, Metro
- Give priority to preservation in the programming of sub-allocated federal funds to encourage consistent improvement of locally-owned roads and bridges. EWG, MoDOT, IDOT
- Encourage state and local governments to coordinate on projects that rehabilitate and enhance arterial road systems. EWG, MoDOT, IDOT
- Employ life-cycle analyses with any capacity expansion projects and demonstrate resources for future operations and maintenance. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Utilize transportation demand management strategies to reduce regional vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
- Encourage employers to participate in vanpooling and carsharing programs. RideFinders, CMT
- Expand regional broadband capacity to encourage telecommuting. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Work with employers to increase options for telecommuting. OneSTL Network
- Encourage and support collaborative efforts, such as the Eastern Missouri Transportation Coordinating Council, that addresses the need for more transportation options throughout the region. EWG, EMTCC, LSLN
Goal 6: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.
Objective 1: Reduce annual fatalities and serious injuries for all transportation modes.
- Support and implement recommendations from the “Missouri’s Blueprint to Save More Lives” and “Illinois Strategic Highway Safety Plan”. EWG, MODOT, IDOT, Trailnet, LSLN, GRG
- Assist counties with the development of local highway safety plans. EWG, MoDOT, Trailnet, LSLN, IDOT
- Improve pedestrian safety through education, programming and planning by investigating pedestrian automobile crash sites, conducting annual walk audits and infrastructure assessments and targeting high crash roadways. Trailnet, GRG
- Improve bicycle safety through education, programming and planning by investigating bicycle automobile crash sites, conducting annual walk audits and infrastructure assessments and targeting high crash roadways. Trailnet, GRG
- Continue to fund Safe Routes to Schools. MoDOT
- Graduate from FHWA's Pedestrian Focus Cities list. Trailnet, EWG, SLC
Objective 2: Improve transportation security.
- Monitor crime and deploy resources as necessary to provide a safe travel experience on all modes. OneSTL Network
- Increase awareness of transportation safety and security initiatives by regional transportation agencies. OneSTL Network
An efficient St. Louis region effectively uses and reuses regional natural resources as well as investment capital and the skills and talents of our citizens. Efficiency applies to the region’s economy, to the functioning of local governments and to the creativity and capability of our work force.
Residents throughout the region have expressed concerns over rising energy costs. As energy costs rise, it results in increased operating expenses for businesses, governments, and institutions and increased housing expenses for citizens.
Energy efficiency is a key area the region can continue to save money and realize improved services. Local businesses and organizations have been successful in demonstrating new ways of doing business that save energy resources while providing high quality work and living environments. OneSTL partners will continue to develop tools and best practices to assist communities and local governments in improving efficiencies, reducing costs, improving fiscal health, and improving the quality of community services.
Goal 1: Increase conservation efforts.
Objective 1: Use energy conservation strategies to reduce economic and environmental costs.
- Document savings to municipalities that result from energy efficiency measures. USGBC-MGC, OneSTL Network
- Research variation in municipal building codes and energy standards within the region and promote code consistency through website, OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. USGBC-MGC, EWG
- Encourage region-wide reporting of energy use in buildings. USGBC-MGC
Objective 2: Decrease amount of waste deposited in landfills.
- Promote effective curbside recycling programs through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops offered in collaboration with waste haulers and recycling programs. SWMD
- Promote reduction, reuse and recycling of materials through social media. SWMD, SLED
- Use website to promote publicly sponsored recycling events, especially for hazardous and hard to recycle materials. OneSTL Network, SLC, SMWD, SLCo
- Support Solid Waste Districts in Missouri and encourage formation of similar programs in Illinois counties. LCN
- Encourage implementation of recycling facilities for municipal government buildings. SLC, OneSTL Network, SLED
Objective 3: Increase potable water efficiency, conservation and security.
- Document savings to municipalities resulting from water efficiency measures. HLC, MWIF
- Promote regional-wide consistency and performance in water efficiency standards. HLC, MWIF
Goal 2: Increase energy diversity.
Objective 1: Diversify energy sources to prepare for the challenges of an uncertain energy future.
- Provide model ordinances that facilitate installation of solar, wind and other energy sources through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG, CleanCities
- Install public outlets for charging electric cars. CleanCities
Goal 3: Improve access to fresh, local food.
Objective 1: Support local food production and distribution especially in areas that lack adequate retail outlets.
- Provide information to local government officials on farmers markets, truck farming and community supported agriculture. LSLN
- Facilitate communication and collaboration among local gardening and farming groups and local governments. LSLN
- Develop research on opportunities to expand local food production to benefit the regional economy. LSLN
Goal 4: Strengthen cross-jurisdictional planning that promotes efficient use of public resources.
Objective 1: Support cooperation in development and redevelopment planning.
- Encourage local governments to use for obtaining and sharing information. SLU, EWG
- Provide research and analysis to local governments that request assistance. EWG
Objective 2: Encourage coordination among the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), municipal traffic departments, local sewer, water and other agencies to maximize efficiencies of projects and investments.
- Identify key contacts within agencies to facilitate communication. EWG
- Actively share Transportation Improvement Plan with local sewer and water districts. EWG
Objective 3: Promote the efficient use of public resources and debt reduction.
- Host workshops for local government officials on finance and related subjects. OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Increase efficiency of economic development initiatives.
Objective 1: Increase density in core areas of the region.
- Encourage mixed-use Transit Oriented Development through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and OneSTL reports. Metro, CMT, EWG
- Encourage walkable downtown development in municipal planning through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
Objective 2: Encourage development that supports existing infrastructure, commercial centers, and employment.
- Establish an evaluation process to determine whether publicly funded projects achieve goals and objectives of OneSTL. OneSTL Network
- Encourage Great Streets and downtown place-making to enhance local economic centers. EWG, OneSTL Network
Goal 6: Increase building and construction efficiency.
Objective 1: Design buildings and neighborhoods, and renovate and rehabilitate existing buildings, to maximize the efficient use of energy.
- Evaluate the potential for local government to adopt portions of the International Green Construction Code. USGBC-MGC
- Review energy codes of municipalities throughout the region and work to achieve consistent policies and standards. MBG, OneSTL Network
- Promote the value of energy efficient buildings and increase the square footage of thirdparty verified green space in the St. Louis region. Chamber, USGBC-MGC
Objective 2: Minimize waste and runoff during construction.
- Work with local regional stormwater management committees to address runoff plans and strategies. MSD, OneSTL Network
An educated St. Louis region provides high-quality opportunities to all citizens in all age groups and attainment levels.
The St. Louis region has a strong history of commitment to high quality education and diverse educational choices. The region has several nationally-recognized and ranked universities, research institutions, and professional training programs. However, residents throughout the region expressed concern about education quality and its importance to their own community and to regional vitality. Even in areas where people felt their schools were good, residents still expressed concern about overall educational quality.
The key to improving education is to identify and build upon the region’s existing strengths and assets. OneSTL partners will focus on improving educational standards and access across the region. On-going cooperation and coordination between education, business and government should address issues in student preparation and educational disparity, and identify the strategies to prepare all students to be life-long learners.
Goal 1: Improve overall quality of education.
Objective 1: Improve the quality of education at all levels.
- Convene an education task force that includes government, businesses, community and education leaders to study approaches to improving educational quality, document lessons learned, and recommend strategies for improving the educational quality and attainment of all St. Louisans, including adults. EWG, Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Foster public discussions about how to provide equitable access to education for all students. OneSTL Network
- Enhance the diversity of educational choices throughout the region. OneSTL Network, SLC
- Increase supplemental educational resources for students in under-performing school districts. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Incorporate lessons on life skills into public education.
- Support independent programs such as “Pathways to Prosperity” and “Ready by 21” that prepare all youth to be ready for the workforce and active members of society. EWG, Partners
- Include life skills curriculum for all workforce development programs. OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Prepare persons with disabilities to be active members of society.
- Support education and training programs for individuals with disabilities to enable them to achieve the highest possible degree of independence in the conduct of their daily lives. Stakloff, Paraquad
Goal 2: Build a globally competitive talent pool.
Objective 1: Support job training, trade school and other education programs that prepare people for skilled, production-based, and green jobs.
- Use Regional Chamber’s Greenprint and other studies to help prepare the region’s population for opportunities available in today’s marketplace. Chamber
Objective 2: Build a robust and adaptive pool of professionals through college graduation, technology programs, and efforts that encourage entrepreneurship.
- Foster collaboration to increase the percent of college-educated population in the St. Louis region. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Increase the graduation rate for high school students throughout the region. OneSTL Network
- Form partnerships with local, national and international businesses, organizations, labor unions, learning institutions and workforce development centers to strengthen training curricula that addresses the needs of employers so the workforce can be eligible and competitive for employment. OneSTL Network
- Develop "paths to employment" training programs with major employers in the region. OneSTL Network
Goal 3: Increase citizen participation.
Objective 1: Educate youth, adults and community leaders about the importance of civic engagement and community service.
- Provide local governments with access to model community engagement programs and methods. EWG
- Support local government and participation initiatives. OneSTL Network
- Develop partnerships, programs and educational material to increase voter turnout. OneSTL Network
Goal 4: Expand education to improve effectiveness of government operations and services.
Objective 1: Provide capacity building opportunities for local government officials.
- Expand services of EWG educational programming for local government officials. EWG, LSLN
- Expand partnerships with local universities to improve education for local officials. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Design and deliver capacity building workshops for local government and community groups on sustainable practices. EWG, Trailnet, LSLN, GRG
- Create an urban forestry employment training program for high school students. SLC
Goal 5: Increase opportunities for life-long learning for all citizens.
Objective 1: Broaden public involvement in cultural and arts institutions, which provide informal education related to arts, culture, heritage, sustainability and the environment.
- Encourage partnerships among local government and universities, and cultural institutions to increase learning opportunities. ARC, OneSTL Network
Goal 6: Increase public understanding of healthy lifestyle choices.
Objective 1: Provide information on sustainability and climate change.
- Provide resources to enable local governments to educate the public about sustainability and climate change. OneSTL Network, SLED
- Increase awareness of how the public can utilize the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Provide information on the importance of food choices, physical activity, alternative transportation choices, and other lifestyle choices.
- Organize an annual conference on Healthy and Active Living. Trailnet
- Conduct bike and pedestrian classes and campaigns to encourage the public, and especially youth and the disadvantaged populations to be more physically active. Trailnet, GRG
- Provide education and resources related to sustainable lifestyles such as recycling, composting and bicycle parking through festivals and events. MBG, SLC, OneSTL Network, SLED
A collaborative St. Louis region will work cooperatively for the benefit of all citizens. Collaboration preserves the individual identity of cities, towns, and neighborhoods while allowing residents and communities to benefit from shared resources, coordinated services, and increased efficiency.
Residents in every county have expressed their appreciation of the small town feel of our regional communities, combined with the amenities of a large metropolitan area. The Regional Economic Assessment, Regional Water Infrastructure Assessment, and Transit Oriented Development Market Assessment conducted as part of this plan all identify collaboration as a vital component to the success of the St. Louis region. Leaders and residents alike have, for many years, recognized the need to share common goals and effectively coordinate local resources.
Collaboration is an essential element in achieving many of the other goals identified in this project. OneSTL partners will use the regional plan as an opportunity to organize leaders, residents, and resources to build a collaborative future. The St. Louis region will continue to support collaboration among local governments, agencies, and communities.
Goal 1: Facilitate coordinated regional leadership.
Objective 1: Strengthen the OneSTL network of regional leaders to enable collaboration and strategic allocation of resources.
- Create an Advisory Committee to advise and encourage implementation of OneSTL. EWG
- Use outreach and presentations to bring additional partner organizations into the regional initiative. EWG, Partners
- Dovetail Livable St. Louis Network activities with OneSTL. Trailnet, Partners
- Continue leadership immersion training programs for regional citizens. Focus
- Reach out to anchor institutions and identify opportunities for enhancing implementation of OneSTL. OneSTL Network
- Use OneSTL network during the development of large-scale planning efforts to solicit input and feedback from a diverse cross-section of agencies. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Create an on-going evaluation process that allows regional leadership to monitor conditions, measure progress toward goals, and refine OneSTL.
- Host an annual OneSTL Network Gathering to establish and strengthen peer networks, provide living case studies and tools, measure progress and celebrate successes. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Partner with other conferences such as the Livable St. Louis Conference and St. Louis Earth Day Symposium to showcase OneSTL projects and inform Network members and the region on the plan's progress. OneSTL Network, EWG, LSLN, SLED
- Cross-market the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit, Healthy, Active and Vibrant Communities Toolkit, and Sustainable Neighborhoods Toolkit. EWG, Trailnet, SLC, LSLN
- Report on progress in meeting OneSTL goals through OneSTL Network conferences and programs. Rise, Trailnet, EHOC
- Review the performance of the plan and update it accordingly on an annual basis. EWG, OneSTL Network
Goal 2: Increase inter-jurisdictional cooperation.
Objective 1: Provide information and resources needed to support local decisions that result in net benefits for the region.
- Update the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit of best practices with tools and best practices that leverage inter-jurisdictional cooperation. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Highlight examples of successful cooperation on and in other media. EWG
- Develop and share information about cities that are implementing cooperative agreements. EWG
- Heighten awareness of the importance of regionalism through media and other outlets. EWG
Objective 2: Improve the connection between local, regional, state, and federal planning efforts to efficiently use and leverage funding.
- Leverage federal funding sources for OneSTL projects. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Support projects that connect and leverage multiple sources of funding. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Collect and share information on grants and loans available for community improvements and community development. EWG, CBN
- Act as clearing house of information on local and regional initiatives. EWG
Goal 3: Strengthen neighborhood and community collaboration.
Objective 1: Support local efforts and networks that empower residents to strengthen and maintain conditions in their own neighborhoods and communities.
- Develop a sustainable neighborhoods toolkit. SLC, Rise, EWG
- Continue and expand community development corporation and neighborhood association capacity building programs. Rise, CBN, SLACO
- Promote volunteer activities through an online database and media outlets. EWG, SLC, GRG
- Support community development programs such as the City of St. Louis Neighborhood Small Grant Competition. SLC
Objective 2: Increase public engagement and communication in regional and local planning efforts.
- Involve residents in the local decision-making processes through on-line surveys, open house meetings, social media, and other innovative techniques. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Promote the OneSTL website as a source of information about local events and activities. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Develop and implement a new and innovative public involvement program. EWG
- Provide opportunities for communities to actively participate in OneSTL plan implementation activities such as participating in walkability audits. OneSTL Network, Trailnet
- Include OneSTL implementation elements as objectives in community grants. OneSTL Network
Goal 4: Improve access to information for local government officials and citizens.
Objective 1: Provide access to data that is needed to make informed, sustainable decisions.
- Maintain the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit so that it is a valuable resource for local governments, citizens, and organizations. EWG
- Provide training and maintain data on the St. Louis Regional Data Exchange EWG, SLU
- Provide information to residents and organizations about sustainability principles, projects, and regional data through the OneSTL website, Sustainable Solutions Toolkit, St. Louis Regional Data Exchange and partner websites. SLU, EWG, Rise, MoBOT, OneSTL Network
- Expand research and planning capacity to assist local municipalities. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Support data collection projects for sustainable modes of transportation. EWG, Trailnet
A prosperous St. Louis region will promote economic growth that supports our local communities and equitably benefits all of the regions citizens. Prosperity capitalizes and builds upon our unique regional assets to create a resilient economy that is strong both nationally and globally.
Residents and regional leaders stress the importance of a strong economy for the sustainability of the region. Compared to other major metropolitan regions, St. Louis is in the middle of the pack with respect to many economic and social characteristics, including education levels, income growth, and poverty rates. The recent recession impacted St. Louis about as much as it did the nation as a whole, as measured by changes in employment levels and housing price. St. Louis, like many regions, is redefining its niche in the global marketplace after decades of losing manufacturing jobs and corporate headquarters.
St. Louis has unique assets, many of which are related to its geographic location. OneSTL partners will continue to work together to strengthen and support existing coordinated economic development efforts, increase the use of sustainable practices in government and businesses that protect our natural resources, focus on quality jobs and the local economy and reduce racial disparities in economic opportunities.
Goal 1: Approach economic development regionally.
Objective 1: Support local and regional efforts that facilitate cooperative economic development beneficial to local communities and to the region.
- Encourage collaboration among economic development agencies within the region. EWG, Chamber, Fed
- Use scenario planning and models to analyze and evaluate potential impacts of development decisions in an innovative way. EWG
- Bolster the existing Greater St. Louis Economic Development Network to be even more inclusive and collaborative. SLC, SLCo, Chamber
- Support collaborative, sub-regional economic development planning focused on adjacent communities. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Remediate and prepare vacant properties for redevelopment. SLC, OneSTL Network
- Provide education on the economic benefits of incorporating walk and bike friendly elements in business corridors. Trailnet
Objective 2: Promote economic growth and investment by leveraging the region’s natural, cultural, and infrastructure assets.
- Align communities with the St. Louis Regional Chamber's "One Region, One Plan" economic development strategy. Chamber
- Work with the regional convention and visitors commissions to market the St. Louis region. Chamber, Trailnet, OneSTL Network
- Promote the region's strength in water supply as an economic development opportunity. MWIF, Chamber, HLC
- Strengthen the connection between economic development and community development. Rise
- Expand the existing international and regional airport infrastructure and network to advance the shipping/logistics industry and promote more efficient business and leisure travel. OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Strengthen coordination of economic development efforts among local governments.
- Conduct workshops for local government officials, economic development agencies, and other OneSTL Network to position each community to strengthen regional economic growth. OneSTL Network
- Encourage local governments to report on successful sustainable economic development efforts to be showcased on the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and at the OneSTL Network Gathering. EWG
Goal 2: Incorporate sustainable practices into government economic development strategies and decisions.
Objective 1: Encourage local governments to implement sustainable development practices such as bike, walk and transit facilities that have low impact on the environment.
- Use the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit to provide sample Transit Oriented Development overlay codes/form based codes as tools to link transit to development. EWG
- Use best practices guidebooks developed as part of OneSTL as tools for local government planning. EWG, Trailnet, HLC, GRG, EHOC
- Encourage adoption of business retention and expansion policies at all levels of government. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Use site-specific green infrastructure and low impact development strategies to improve livability in neighborhoods. HLC
- Establish incentives for local economic development investment that redevelops or re-occupies previously developed land and buildings. HLC, SLC
- Focus business retention on economic sectors that simultaneously contribute to regional growth and local fiscal diversification. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Promote transportation policy and design that enhances access to local businesses and strengthens communities. Trailnet, EWG
- Provide local government officials with education on effects of parking policies on local business development. Trailnet
- Encourage policies in line with the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and national best practices to incorporate bike, walk, and transit facilities and infrastructure into routine road maintenance and development projects. Trailnet, LSLN, EWG
Objective 2: Focus economic development efforts on quality jobs.
- Conduct research on the effect of tax policy on quality job development. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Promote ordinances that require local government employees, contractors, and companies receiving development incentives to pay their employees a living wage. OneSTL Network
Goal 3: Promote resource-efficient business practices.
Objective 1: Encourage businesses to employ sustainable business practices that protect the natural resources of the region and promote livable communities.
- Promote the Green Business Challenge and other sustainable business development iniatives. Chamber, EWG, USGBC-MGC, MBG
- Encourage green business development along the model of the Greenprint plan for green business development. Chamber, USGBC-MGC
- Demonstrate the financial return on investment from improved environmental sensitivity in economic development and employment. HLC, TNC
Goal 4: Build the regional economy.
Objective 1: Support entrepreneurship, creativity, and small business creation.
- Support new funding streams for entrepreneurial ventures. Chamber
- Support the St. Louis Mosaic Project and increase entrepreneurship among the immigrant population. Intln
Objective 2: Encourage the production, marketing, and consumption of locally produced food, goods, and services.
- Research and support programs, companies and organizations that produce and promote local foods, goods and services. LSLN
- Promote practices, tools and programs that produce local foods, goods and services through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and website. EWG
- Encourage zoning policies that allow land use for production of local food, goods and services. LSLN
Objective 3: Develop a skilled, creative, adaptive and diverse workforce.
- Conduct workforce training programs to prepare workers for the jobs of today and the future. Chamber, SWILC, OneSTL Network
- Support initiatives to increase the number of college graduates in the region. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Measure and report on quality jobs, unemployment, personal income, and numbers of citizens living in poverty. EWG
Objective 4: Support a diversified economy.
- Encourage growth of strong economic clusters by supporting Missouri's "Strategic Initiative for Economic Growth", and the development of a statewide economic development plan in Illinois. Chamber, SWILC
- Support entrepreneurial programs and funding. Chamber, LCSI
- Provide data on the St. Louis economy on the OneSTL website. EWG
Goal 5: Reduce racial disparities in economic opportunities.
Objective 1: Increase workforce diversity and inclusion programs.
- Research and monitor minority hiring and training programs and evaluate success of diversity inclusion plans. EHOC
- Provide education and training for low income individuals and information to local governments on methods and requirements for such training. EHOC
- Reduce geographic segregation. Rise
- Publicize data on changing demographics and reality of changing workforce. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Support the development and implementation of workforce inclusion policies like St. Louis City's Board Bill 297. SLC, OneSTL Network
A distinctive St. Louis region will embrace the variety of cities, towns, and neighborhoods that make our communities vibrant and accessible places to live and work. A distinctive region builds upon our unique community characteristics to provide a diversity of places and housing options that support all of our citizens.
Residents consistently voiced their fondness for their community, because of its unique or distinctive characteristics. In many parts of the region, there are stable multi-generational communities with strong family ties and unique neighborhoods that entice young people to remain or return to their roots. However, many communities suffer from lack of services, including restaurants or banks, lack safe conditions for walking, biking, or have limited access to parks or recreation facilities. Many communities lack adequate transportation connections to other parts of the region.
Our distinctive neighborhoods and communities provide the region’s residents with choices about where and how to live. Urban, suburban and rural neighborhoods with varying characteristics enrich the quality of life for the region’s residents. OneSTL partners will work to preserve the character of our local communities, enhance access to transportation opportunities, amenities, and community services, and provide a variety of housing types and affordability to address the diversity of our region’s citizens.
Goal 1: Strengthen the identity of the region.
Objective 1: Support efforts that create or strengthen regional initiatives.
- Build regional support for major projects that support the distinctive character of the St. Louis region, including CityArchRiver 2015, Mounds of the Mississippian era, and the regional parks and trails network. GRG, MEPRD, HLC, OneSTL Network
- Encourage cooperation to support and promote regional cultural amenities, including the institutions in the Zoo-Museum District. OneSTL Network
- Support initiatives of the Regional Arts Commission and others to incorporate art into public spaces. OneSTL Network
- Promote Mounds World Heritage site as a national monument, and build bicycle trails that link communities to the site. HLC, Trailnet, MEPRD, IDOT
- Link ancient and contemporary communities together through Mounds Heritage Trail and secure public ownership of archeological sites from willing sellers. HLC, Trailnet, SLC, SLCo, IDOT, MoDOT
Goal 2: Invest in existing communities.
Objective 1: Preserve historic places and important cultural and heritage sites.
- Encourage local planning that protects historical and cultural sites during development. HLC, OneSTL Network
- Support incentive programs that facilitate historic preservation and promote the use of such programs through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
Objective 2: Encourage communities to update municipal codes and ordinances to facilitate sustainable decision-making.
- Encourage the five pilot study communities to implement recommended changes and share results with peer local governments. HLC, EWG, OneSTL Network
- Conduct additional municipal code and ordinance studies. EWG, HLC
- Provide education on how to update zoning codes using the St. Louis County Code assessment manual as a model. EWG, SLCo, OneSTL Network
- Provide information on form based codes as a tool for development, especially around transit stations, employment centers and in town centers. SLCo, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Leverage existing infrastructure and investments.
- Promote maintenance, rehabilitation, and repurposing of existing infrastructure and buildings. EWG, SLC, SLCo, USGBC-MGC
- Prioritize the redevelopment of brownfield sites. SLC, SLCo, USGBC-MGC, OneSTL Network
- Develop stakeholder-driven plans for brownfield redevelopment in key sites such as Granite City Gateway District. HLC, MCo, OneSTL Network
Objective 4: Promote economic activity through lively and attractive streets.
- Support local Great Streets and complete streets development that enhances the distinctive character of communities within the region. EWG, HLC, Trailnet
- Assist in the implementation of existing Great Streets plans such as Page Avenue, Grand Center, Dorsett Road, and Manchester Road. EWG
- Provide Great Streets consulting services and training. EWG
- Host community engagement events such as Open Streets to increase use and appreciation of Great Streets and complete streets as well as knowledge of local business corridors. Trailnet
Goal 3: Increase diversity of housing stock.
Objective 1: Increase the availability of affordable housing.
- Provide information to local officials on ways to build partnerships with developers in order to create mixed use and mixed price developments through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. EWG, Rise
- Provide workshops on using zoning codes that allow for increased density, mixed-use, and mixed-income housing. LSLN, OneSTL Network
- Promote use of to local governments and landlords for advertising affordable rental properties. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Increase the availability and variety of accessible housing options to accommodate changing family and individual housing needs.
- Encourage municipalities to include universal design in building standards and use a functional approach to new construction and retrofits of existing buildings through initiatives such as the Universal Design Summit, consultation services, the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and other partner activities. Starkloff, Paraquad
- Establish incentives that encourage diverse housing options. OneSTL Network
- Locate housing near transit, greenways, jobs, institutions and urban centers. OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Increase understanding of the need for housing options in all communities.
- Explore housing affordability challenges and enhance public awareness of challenges, needs and solutions by working with the local media. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Work with local governments to understand the impact of diversified housing stock on municipal services and finances through research and conversations. OneSTL Network
- Provide data and information on the availability of housing options in communities through the OneSTL website,, and partner programs. EWG, SLU, SLCo, SLC
Goal 4: Foster active and healthy lifestyles.
Objective 1: Promote (re)development of accessible, walkable, bikeable and transit oriented neighborhoods.
- Encourage wellness programs like “Live Well Ferguson” throughout the region. Trailnet, LSLN
- Work with health oriented foundations and institutions to develop programs to meet the region’s health goals and measure progress in meeting those goals. ARC, MFH, Trailnet, GCG
- Provide workshops for local officials on strategies for developing walkable business districts. EWG, Trailnet, LSLN
- Encourage local governments to create bicycle and pedestrian master plans for neighborhoods. Trailnet, LSLN
- Encourage local governments to include universal design in planning and ordinances. Starkloff
- Promote bike parking ordinances and bike rack availability. SLC, Trailnet, OneSTL Network
- Assist communities in applying for Walk Friendly or Bike Friendly Community status. Trailnet
Objective 2: Maintain and improve residents’ access to quality parks and recreational opportunities.
- Develop an analysis of access to open space and parks (“Park Score”), and identify areas that are not adequately served. EWG, ARC
- Identify and improve connections from neighborhoods to parks through trails, on-road bikeways, sidewalks and development of new parks. EWG, GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
- Provide easy access to greenspace, trails or parks within a half mile or 10 minute walk of most residents. SLC, Trailnet, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Increase access to local, fresh and healthy food.
- Support the Farm to Family Naturally Mobile Market program and other similar programs. CMT, Metro
- Conduct analysis of locations of “food deserts” and work with local government and non-profit organizations to address access to fresh food. MFH
- Provide information on market opportunities for locally produced food. GG, SLG
- Decrease obesity through programs such as Small Changes for Health, Let's Move STL, Live Well Ferguson and Good 4 U! SLC, OneSTL Network
- Support land use policies that encourage and incentivize community, school and home gardens. LSLN
Goal 5: Reduce combined housing and transportation costs.
Objective 1: Encourage land use and transportation planning that increases access, promotes health and reduces costs for residents.
- Work with local governments, transit providers and developers to implement Transit Oriented Development Plans (TOD) developed through OneSTL. CMT
- Assist communities that have bus and light rail services to implement TOD plans. CMT
- Develop a TOD website and lecture series. CMT
- Track and publicize regional statistics on transportation costs in relation to housing costs. EWG, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Increase access to multi-modal transportation options.
- Promote expansion of the regional Bike Plan to counties that are currently not covered. GRG, Trailnet
- Encourage local governments to adopt complete streets policies to support multi-modal transportation and enhance safe bicycling and walking. Trailnet, LSLN, GRG, HLC
- Encourage affordable housing near transit. LSLN
- Hold workshops on the economic and health benefits of complete streets. Trailnet, LSLN
Goal 6: Increase safety of neighborhoods.
Objective 1: Increase overall safety and welfare in neighborhoods and communities.
- Promote cooperative efforts among residents, government officials, and law enforcement agencies. LSLN, SLC, SLCo
- Improve pedestrian signal placement and response time of signals to encourage pedestrian use of designated crosswalks. LSLN
Objective 2: Promote neighborhood and site design that helps deter crime.
- Conduct workshops on improving neighborhood safety through planning and design using such programs as the Crime Prevention through Environmental Design approach. LSLN
- Identify opportunities to increase pedestrian and bicycle traffic that will put more eyes on the street to deter crime. LSLN, GRG
- Use research to identify key areas for crime prevention and work with law enforcement to focus attention on these areas. SLC, SLCo, OneSTL Network
An inclusive St. Louis region will embrace its entire population. Inclusiveness recognizes the value of diversity in creating and maintaining a vibrant, entrepreneurial, and globally-competitive region.
The St. Louis region has a rich legacy of diversity in ethnicity, age, religion, lifestyle, race, socio-economic groups, and affiliations. Today it can be seen in the burgeoning immigrant populations from Bosnia, Vietnam, China, India, Mexico, and the Middle East. If we want to be a truly inclusive region, it is crucial that we address issues such as poverty, education, infant mortality, unemployment, crime, income, and higher education.
A metropolitan area that embraces, empowers, and builds upon its diversity tends to be more creative, equitable, entrepreneurial, and resilient. OneSTL partners will provide tools and policies to increase the social and economic well-being of all demographic groups represented in our region, and in the process, reduce the number of areas where poverty and inequity is concentrated.
Goal 1: Embrace the region’s civic and cultural diversity.
Objective 1: Recognize and embrace diverse cultures and neighborhoods.
- Develop marketing strategies to reinforce a culture of inclusion and dispel myths about immigration. Intln, WTC
- Work with neighborhoods and community organizations to identify civic and cultural values and highlight programs that showcase those values on the OneSTL website. EWG
- Ensure programs exist to engage citizens and enhance their skills around diversity issues. FOCUS, DAP, NCCJ, LSC
Goal 2: Eliminate areas of concentrated poverty.
Objective 1: Spur redevelopment in areas of concentrated poverty through public investments.
- Encourage TOD at MetroLink stations that are in or close to racially concentrated areas of poverty. EHOC, CMT, EWG
- Identify areas with prime development potential in racially concentrated areas of poverty and market these areas. ULI, Chamber, SWILC
- Consider the specific needs of racially concentrated areas of poverty as a factor in the allocation of transportation funds and programs through the transportation improvement program and long-range transportation plan. EWG
- Encourage local governments to prioritize high poverty areas for funding allocated through economic councils and community development block grant funds. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Increase private investment in concentrated areas of poverty.
- Support the adoption of responsible banking ordinances. EHOC
- Promote partnerships between community organizations and financial institutions that increase services and investments in low-income communities and fulfill bank Community Reinvestment Act obligations. EHOC
- Use Great Streets plans to support neighborhood reinvestment. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Develop strategies to reduce homelessness by linking housing providers, economic development stakeholders and social service providers. SLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Increase availability of affordable and workforce housing in areas of opportunity, where poverty is not pervasive.
- Discuss with state housing finance agencies ways to include a greater emphasis on low-income housing tax credit developments in areas with lower minority populations and areas of high opportunity as part of the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) criteria for development proposals. EHOC, Rise
- Promote local governments' use of density bonuses to encourage development that increases the percentage of affordable units in new developments, locating housing near transit and employment centers, projects that utilize universal design, and for developing infill sites. OneSTL Network
- Encourage municipalities to pass inclusionary zoning ordinances that require affordable units in new developments by providing models. EHOC, OneSTL Network
Objective 4: Increase protection for source of income discrimination by including protections for housing financial assistance like Section 8 vouchers.
- Encourage municipalities to include source of income protection in their human rights statute by providing model language and support for this amendment. EHOC
- Support an expansion of the state-wide human rights act to include source of income and specifically housing financial assistance protections. EHOC
Goal 3: Encourage integrated communities.
Objective 1: Increase racially, ethnically and economically integrated communities throughout the region.
- Develop education and marketing messages that promote diversity and highlight the benefits of integrated communities. EHOC, LSLN
- Identify organizations that can have meaningful impact in specific neighborhoods and encourage focus on integration and involvement of residents. LSLN, Trailnet, SLACO
- Develop and promote the use of, a website designed with a search function that increases housing choices in diverse areas for people looking to move. EHOC
- Encourage local governments to promote information about integrated communities on their websites and in education materials as part of affirmatively furthering fair housing requirements. EHOC
- Hold programs and events that educate about the history of exclusion in the region and the benefits of integrated communities. EHOC
Objective 2: Increase regional fair housing enforcement.
- Encourage local governments to conduct fair housing testing in rental, sales, and lending markets as a part of their obligations to affirmatively further fair housing. EHOC
- Provide additional fair housing education resources, materials and trainings for local governments and community members. EHOC
Goal 4: Improve access to opportunities.
Objective 1: Provide equitable access to jobs, housing, education, health care, financial services and other services.
- Support programs and organizations that work toward gender and lifestyle equality. OneSTL Network
- Develop partnerships to advance awareness and access to services related to disabilities and mental health. OneSTL Network
- Ensure that discussion about increasing access to opportunities is included and prioritized in regional policy planning. OneSTL Network
- Research access to opportunity and improve documentation for community development. Rise
- Assist in developing a course of action to improve access to high-speed broadband connectivity. EWG
- Improve service to neighborhoods by promoting tools and best practices through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. SLC, OneSTL Network
- Increase access to mainstream financial services in underserved communities by ensuring that banks are serving all parts of the community and developing partnerships to improve products, services and investments. EHOC
- Encourage affordable and workforce housing in areas of opportunity. EHOC
- Consider walking, biking and public transit access to education and job centers during regional transportation planning. EWG, Trailnet, Metro
Objective 2: Increase the opportunities for all youth to have high quality, meaningful, safe access to education, job training, art, physical activity and social interactions.
- Identify existing programs and partnerships that provide opportunities for youth. OneSTL Network, SLC
- Identify the gaps and needs for youth opportunities and work with partners to increase opportunities. OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Improve quality of life in low-income neighborhoods.
Objective 1: Increase the safety and quality of housing.
- Promote enhanced code enforcement through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. OneSTL Network
- Support educational initiatives for homeowners on ways to improve housing quality through home maintenance. BH
- Research best practices for addressing absentee landlords and promote the use of such tools through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG, CBN
Objective 2: Increase civic engagement of typically underrepresented populations.
- Research best practices for involving low-income, minority and foreign-born populations and implement through public involvement programs. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Provide training on increasing opportunities for civic engagement. EWG, FOCUS
- Develop partnerships to increase engagement of typically underrepresented populations in public decision-making. IntIn, EWG, BH, EHOC, OneSTL Network
- Provide dialogue opportunities around community policy issues. FOCUS, LSLN
A green St. Louis region will protect and enhance its natural systems while improving the performance of its water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure. Green strategies create networks for natural habitat, recreation, access to nature, flood mitigation, and water and air quality improvement.
Residents in communities across the region desire clean air, water, and access to open space and parks for recreation and enjoyment. They also expressed concern about flooding, soil erosion, and the increasing costs of sewer services. The Regional Water Infrastructure Assessment and Pilot Study process also show that water resource needs and costs will increase significantly in the coming decades as sewer districts and cities in the region replace obsolete infrastructure and improve water quality.
A healthy and well-functioning natural environment is critical to a strong economy and citizen quality of life. Investments in parks and green spaces can benefit communities. OneSTL partners will pursue strategies and policies for blue and green infrastructure investments that will save money for both governments and citizens while also providing enhanced water quality and reduced flood risk.
Goal 1: Protect the quality of our natural resources and environment.
Objective 1: Strengthen public understanding of the value of our natural resources in supporting healthy communities, a healthy economy and healthy citizens.
- Research the financial benefits of natural resource planning and protection and report the findings to local governments through workshops, website and the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. HLC
- Develop partnerships between resource agencies, universities, and schools to enable the sharing of technical research with the public. EWG, MBG, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Encourage local governments to use EWG’s natural communities and ecological significance data in planning.
- Hold public/municipal workshops on resource planning and use of GIS data in planning. SLU, EWG, OneSTL Network
- Provide information through the St. Louis Regional Data Exchange and OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG, SLU
Objective 3: Develop a culture that understands and values regional and local sustainability.
- Conduct workshops for community leaders on the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit, St. Louis Regional Data Exchange and the triple bottom line benefits of implementing recommendations from OneSTL. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Develop partnerships between local, state and federal agencies to address regional sustainability. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Conduct robust citizen engagement to ensure local concerns and interests are reflected in OneSTL updates. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Promote sustainability practices such as recycling, composting and bicycle parking at all public arts and cultural events. SLC, MBG, OneSTL Network
Goal 2: Plan for and invest in green infrastructure.
Objective 1: Increase the use of green infrastructure to improve the health of communities.
- Develop green infrastructure strategic plans at a regional, community, and site scale with detailed strategies and priority implementation for specific watersheds. EWG, HLC, MBG, OneSTL Network
- Map existing green infrastructure and analyze opportunities for future green infrastructure projects. HLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Improve regional and site specific stormwater management.
- Use ecological significance data to identify wetlands, flood plains and other critical areas to protect or mitigate. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Use GIS and modeling to evaluate impact of green infrastructure on water quality. HLC
- Encourage cooperation among local governments and sewer districts throughout the region to address stormwater, erosion and flooding. HLC, MBG
- Encourage the use of development incentives that protect natural resources. HLC
Goal 3: Guarantee clean water for all citizens.
Objective 1: Improve the health of our watersheds and waterways for drinking, aesthetics, and recreation.
- Work with local governments and property owners to identify priority streams and complete watershed based storm water management plans. EWG, HLC, OneSTL Network
- Increase awareness of the EPA Clean Water Act, including number of miles of impaired streams, and number of miles of streams assessed. OneSTL Network
- Prioritize areas for watershed planning based on analysis of sewage treatment facilities, water quality monitoring and local concerns. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Encourage watershed based mitigation projects to protect water quality when publicly funded projects negatively impact streams, wetlands or key resources. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Implement Illinois EPA Non-Point Source Management Program through 5-year priority watershed rotation (Planning, Implementation, Monitoring). HLC
- Develop watershed plan for upper Silver Creek. HLC
- Assist communities in developing a water quality scorecard and modifying ordinances to achieve higher scorecard ratings. HLC
- Develop a comprehensive regional plan for water supply and wastewater that will fully document aging water infrastructure and create strategies for critical threats to water quality such as malfunctioning septic systems. HLC, MSD, AW, SLCo, MWIP
Objective 2: Promote rainscaping as a way individual property owners can help to reduce stormwater runoff and improve water quality.
- Provide programs, such as the RainScape Rebates Program, for local officials and homeowners. MSD, MBG
- Promote the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit of best practices through workshops and social media. EWG, HLC, MBG
Goal 4: Exceed clean air standards.
Objective 1: Maintain priority focus on clean air for the region.
- Coordinate the Interagency Consultation Group and Air Quality Advisory Committee to achieve and maintain air quality standards for the region. EWG
- Continue collaboration with local media on ozone air quality reporting. SLRCAP
- Develop a relationship with social media to increase public awareness of the daily ozone levels and air quality. ALA, SLRCAP, EWG
- Continue efforts to reduce vehicles miles traveled (VMT). CMT, EWG, Metro, GRG, Trailnet
- Implement a new Try-n-Ride program to attract more people to transit. CMT
Objective 2: Prioritize public investments, encourage private activities, and educate individuals on actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.
- Conduct workshops for local governments on GHG inventories. USGBC-MGC
- Promote the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit of best practices for energy savings and GHG reduction. EWG, USGBC-MGC
- Encourage local governments to conduct periodic (every 3-5 years) Greenhouse Gas emissions inventory and develop plans to reduce emissions from government operations and from the community at large. SLU, USGBC-MGC
- Share success of City of St. Louis GHG inventory and follow up actions through the website, OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. SLC
- Research and implement a regional GHG inventory and plan. EWG
- Support region-wide greenhouse gas emission reductions. SLC, SLU, USGBC-MGC, OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Provide increased access to nature for all citizens.
Objective 1: Link neighborhoods to natural areas, parks, recreational amenities, and gardens.
- Encourage communities to create bicycle and pedestrian links from neighborhoods to parks. GRG, Trailnet, LSLN, MBG
- Convert vacant, publicly owned land to pocket parks as part of redevelopment strategies. OneSTL Network
Goal 6: Promote municipal sustainability planning.
Objective 1: Educate community leaders about the benefits of implementing environmental best practices, sustainability plans, and other tools.
- Promote the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit through workshops, newsletters and partnerships. EWG, LSLN
- Present to professional organizations and municipal officials. EWG, OneSTL Network, MBG
- Share information on successful planning initiatives, such as the Green Power Challenge in Creve Coeur and Clayton and the Cool Cities program in Alton and Granite City through the OneSTL website and Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
- Create a sustainability resource toolkit for neighborhoods. SLC, EWG, Rise
- Encourage local governments to track their sustainability initiatives. SLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Improve tree canopy.
- Hold workshops for the public and officials on importance of tree health, methods to promote tree growth, and strategies for non-invasive tree selection in local communities. MDC, FRL, HLC
- Report on percent of tree canopy in municipalities. MDC, FRL, HLC
- Provide workshops for local governments on effective strategies for street tree planting to increase healthy street trees. MDC, FRL, HLC
- Encourage local governments to take action to improve tree canopy through programs such programs as Tree City USA. HLC, FRL, SLC
- Encourage tree plantings on walking, biking and transit corridors to provide comfort and increase the appeal of using alternative modes of transportation. MDC, GRG, Trailnet
Goal 7: Protect open areas.
Objective 1: Conserve agricultural and forest resources, cultural sites and open space.
- Use ecological data as a planning tool to identify significant features to protect during development. HLC, EWG
- Promote use of conservation easements as incentive for property owners to protect agricultural resources. HLC
- Encourage local jurisdictions to provide density bonuses for developers who provide open space/parks in new developments and redevelopment projects. EWG, HLC
- Develop hazard mitigation plans, including recommendations for the buy-out of repetitive loss properties to reduce risk and improve community safety. EWG, HLC, OneSTL Network
- Organize local agencies and county governments to determine an approach to defining open spaces and collecting/maintaining data on open spaces in the region. OneSTL Network
A prepared St. Louis region will be organized and equipped with the resources, capabilities and plans to maintain safe and healthy cities and to respond to the unexpected natural or man-made disaster. When a crisis occurs, a prepared region is able to respond quickly, efficiently and responsibly to meet the needs of all citizens.
Across the region, residents expressed concerns about flooding. In some communities, crime and neighborhood safety were also key issues. Working together, local governments can be more effective in addressing regional challenges such as preparing for unprecedented draught or flood, or addressing problems of neighborhood safety.
Safety in our communities is based on relationships, trust, communication and the work of fostering relationships among residents, local officials, law enforcement and the many agencies with overlapping jurisdictional authorities. OneSTL partners will work to prepare communities to address local problems as they arise. A prepared region is a more resilient region; and prepared local governments working together provide a strong base for that resilience.
Goal 1: Protect communities from known risks of natural disaster by focusing on prevention.
Objective 1: Reduce exposure to risks and hazards through improved disaster planning actions.
- Create a regional disaster and emergency recovery scenario plan. STARRS
- Update, strengthen and support local hazard mitigation plans and emergency management and disaster recovery scenario plans. EWG, STARRS
- Maintain and improve a civilian notification system. EWG, STARRS
Objective 2: Increase understanding of risks and take appropriate actions to minimize risks of flooding.
- Promote stream corridor protection strategies to reduce flood risk and reduce costs of stream channel maintenance. MWIP, EWG
- Encourage municipal participation in the Community Rating System (CRS) program run by the National Flood Insurance Program. NFIP
- Work with US Army Corps of Engineers and other partners to complete a cumulative effects study of the regional levee system. HLC, OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Reduce the severity of future events through mitigation and adaptation efforts.
- Complete a comprehensive regional Climate Change Action Plan. OneSTL Network
- Include mitigation strategies for all publicly funded projects. OneSTL Network
- Encourage local governments to implement climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. EWG
Objective 4: Encourage development that is compatible with hazard mitigation plans.
- Discourage development in hazard areas by providing data and information for decision-making. EWG, STARRS
- Promote building and design standards for development that minimize risk or costs from natural disasters. STARRS, OneSTL Network
Goal 2: Strengthen capabilities for shared disaster response.
Objective 1: Increase cooperation among first responders.
- Continue facilitating STARRS Board of Directors and committee meetings to support regional coordination and cooperation. EWG, STARRS
Objective 2: Promote community involvement in preparedness efforts.
- Increase awareness of Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD) program. EWG, STARRS
- Assist with establishing a COAD in each county. STARRS
Goal 3: Respond quickly to emergencies.
Objective 1: Save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human needs in the aftermath of natural and man-made incidents.
- Maintain a unified emergency response system. STARRS
- Continue to improve communications among agencies. STARRS
Goal 4: Enable efficient and effective recovery.
Objective 1: Build systems that focus on timely restoration, improvement and revitalization of infrastructure, housing, economic activity, social structures, and environmental conditions in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
- Assist the Regional COAD committee in identifying events, incidents, accidents, disasters, etc., that occur in the region and need a coordinated effort for recovery. STARRS
- Prepare plans of action to facilitate recovery from all types of disasters. STARRS
Goal 5: Improve the integrity of aging water and utility infrastructure.
Objective 1: Invest in replacement of aging water and wastewater systems to meet current and future needs.
- Advocate for federal water infrastructure funding modeled on transportation funding. HLC, MWIP
- Develop a comprehensive regional plan for water supply and wastewater. MWIP, HLC
- Provide equal access for water and waste-water systems (municipal, water district and investor-owned utilities) to the State Revolving Loan Fund. HLC, MWIP
A connected St. Louis region links residents to jobs, amenities, and community services. Connectivity provides transportation opportunities to all citizens, regardless of age, income, or ability.
Communities that are well connected within the region provide residents who commute to work, school, and other activities with more choices as to where they live. Residents in different parts of the region have very different perspectives on the range of choices they have for transportation ranging from the outlying communities where transit options are few or not available, to the core of the region where people generally feel they have more choice.
The region benefits from a system that includes a well-connected highway network, while the core of the region is served by a light rail and bus system. OneSTL partners will work to enhance the regional transportation system’s efficiency, accessibility, and range of transportation choices to reduce traffic congestion, diminish social inequities, improve air quality, and foster an economically vibrant and prosperous region.
Goal 1: Utilize transportation assets to stimulate economic development.
Objective 1: Facilitate efficient freight movement.
- Incorporate findings from freight study into regional transportation and economic development planning efforts. EWG, IDOT, MoDOT, Chamber
- Implement a regional freight transportation district to work jointly in both Missouri and Illinois portions of the region. EWG, IDOT, MoDOT, OneSTL Network
- Coordinate major freight infrastructure improvements with Midwest High Speed Rail planning. EWG, Chamber, MoDOT, IDOT
- Enhance multi-modal freight facilities to streamline freight movement. OneSTL Network
- Promote St. Louis' existing transportation assets (port, airport, railroad and interstate connections) on an international scale. OneSTL Network
- Continue to market the region as the northernmost ice-free river port along the Mississippi and engineer waterways to accommodate consistent traffic. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Support Transit Oriented Development (TOD).
- Include sample design standards for development around station areas in the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
- Create a model zoning ordinance that ensures land surrounding station areas is compatable with future TOD opportunities and include in the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
- Promote high quality pedestrian and vehicle facilities around transit stations to increase attractiveness of mixed-use development. Trailnet, LSLN
- Conduct workshops for local officials on TOD and design standards, including form based code and flexible parking standards for development around Metro stations. CMT, Metro
- Prioritize transportation investments that support mixed-use development and TOD. EWG, Metro
- Create working group to pursue implementation of TOD recommendations and plans. Metro, SLC, SLCo, CMT
Objective 3: Expand complete streets and Great Streets throughout the region.
- Identify funding for Great Streets project in Illinois. EWG, IDOT
- Research and prepare report on performance of completed Great Streets projects. EWG
- Conduct workshops for local officials on Great Streets and complete streets planning and design. EWG
- Encourage communities to adopt model complete street policies and resolutions. HLC, Trailnet
- Develop complete streets plans for cities and counties in the region. HLC, Trailnet
Goal 2: Integrate transportation and land use planning.
Objective 1: Prioritize projects for regional transportation investments that integrate land-use planning, economic, environmental and equity considerations.
- Focus planning and development efforts in areas with high growth potential (close to employment centers, with access to public transportation, and/or disinvested properties within built up areas). EWG, OneSTL Network
- Research and develop an accessibility measure to be included in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) 2045. EWG
- Continue to prioritize projects that increase access from low-income and minority communities ("environmental justice communities") to areas of high opportunity. EWG, Metro
Objective 2: Develop a Long Range Transportation plan that is consistent with OneSTL and national sustainability standards.
- Incorporate OneSTL elements such as the Ecological Initiative, housing plus transportation costs, safety, accessibility, TOD, freight, system preservation, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities into RTP 2045 project selection process. EWG
- Prioritize projects that conform to national sustainability standards outlines in MAP-21 and other national funding programs. EWG
Objective 3: Review and revise local Transportation Improvement Program to be consistent with OneSTL and national sustainability standards.
- Incorporate OneSTL and MAP-21 elements such as the Ecological Initiative, housing plus transportation costs, safety, accessibility, TOD, freight, system preservation, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities into the TIP project selection process. EWG
Goal 3: Expand public transit accessibility and utilization.
Objective 1: Increase transit ridership.
- Improve rider experience through general service and technology enhancements such as additional transit centers; a Smart Card system for automated fare payment; GPS tracking of MetroBuses; additional seating, shelters, signage, and lighting at MetroBus stops; and real-time arrival and departure bus information directly available to customers. Metro, CMT
- Promote transit through educational campaigns such as the "Ten Toe Express Walking Program","Make Your Move on Metro","Monthly Transit Picture Contest","Tapping Into Transit","and "Try-n-Ride." CMT
- Increase the use of incentives for riding transit such as workplace programs like the “Guaranteed Ride Home Program.” CMT, RideFinders
- Increase frequency of transit service to encourage ridership. Metro, MCT, SCCTD
Objective 2: Increase access to transit.
- Continue to study and identify funding sources for MetroLink expansion. Metro, EWG
- Implement recommendations from Metro's existing planning efforts including "Moving Transit Forward" and the "St. Louis Rapid Transit Connector Study." EWG, Metro, CMT
- Encourage efforts to create a dedicated state funding program for transit in Missouri. EWG, MCT, Metro, MoDOT
- Promote projects that improve connections between transit stops and surrounding communities. EWG, Metro, CMT
- Support trolley and street car initiatives. EWG, MoDOT, SLSC
- Advance use of public transit to connect arts, culture and innovation hubs. SLC, OneSTL Network
- Support the national High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program, in particular the Chicago to St. Louis route, and ensure the adequacy of transit and other modal connections at stations. EWG, CMT, Metro, MoDOT, IDOT
Goal 4: Advance active transportation initiatives.
Objective 1: Improve bicycle and pedestrian accessibility and safety through the “5 e’s”: education, engineering, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation.
- Ensure the design and construction of all bicycle facilities to meet current standards of national transportation organizations. GRG, Trailnet, MEPRD
- Partner with regional multi-modal advocacy agencies to provide bicycle awareness and education. EWG, Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD
- Provide outreach and education to regional law enforcement on bicycle and pedestrian safety and legislation. Trailnet
- Annually track the number of miles of bicycle lanes and pedestrian facilities added to the regional transportation system. GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
- Conduct regular bicycle counts at key locations in the region. Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD
- Provide education and training to municipalities on nationa best practices, standards and policies related to bicycle and pedestrian planning. GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
Objective 2: Increase bicycle and pedestrian mode share.
- Implement regional and local bike walk plans created by OneSTL and partnerships. EWG, Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD, Communities
- Work with regional partnerships to improve route signing and end-of-trip facilities. GRG, MEPRD, Trailnet
- Identify funding sources for the implementation and ongoing maintenance of regional bicycle and pedestrian projects. EWG, Trailnet, GRG, MEPRD
- Advocate for transportation plans and funding that allow more people to be less car dependent. SLC, OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Effectively manage and maximize the efficiency of existing transportation assets.
Objective 1: Prioritize limited resources on rehabilitating and replacing aging infrastructure over system expansion.
- Ensure investments in preservation are adequate to continuously improve pavement and bridge conditions on state highways systems and to maintain regional transit assets. EWG, MoDOT, IDOT, Metro
- Give priority to preservation in the programming of sub-allocated federal funds to encourage consistent improvement of locally-owned roads and bridges. EWG, MoDOT, IDOT
- Encourage state and local governments to coordinate on projects that rehabilitate and enhance arterial road systems. EWG, MoDOT, IDOT
- Employ life-cycle analyses with any capacity expansion projects and demonstrate resources for future operations and maintenance. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Utilize transportation demand management strategies to reduce regional vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
- Encourage employers to participate in vanpooling and carsharing programs. RideFinders, CMT
- Expand regional broadband capacity to encourage telecommuting. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Work with employers to increase options for telecommuting. OneSTL Network
- Encourage and support collaborative efforts, such as the Eastern Missouri Transportation Coordinating Council, that addresses the need for more transportation options throughout the region. EWG, EMTCC, LSLN
Goal 6: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.
Objective 1: Reduce annual fatalities and serious injuries for all transportation modes.
- Support and implement recommendations from the “Missouri’s Blueprint to Save More Lives” and “Illinois Strategic Highway Safety Plan”. EWG, MODOT, IDOT, Trailnet, LSLN, GRG
- Assist counties with the development of local highway safety plans. EWG, MoDOT, Trailnet, LSLN, IDOT
- Improve pedestrian safety through education, programming and planning by investigating pedestrian automobile crash sites, conducting annual walk audits and infrastructure assessments and targeting high crash roadways. Trailnet, GRG
- Improve bicycle safety through education, programming and planning by investigating bicycle automobile crash sites, conducting annual walk audits and infrastructure assessments and targeting high crash roadways. Trailnet, GRG
- Continue to fund Safe Routes to Schools. MoDOT
- Graduate from FHWA's Pedestrian Focus Cities list. Trailnet, EWG, SLC
Objective 2: Improve transportation security.
- Monitor crime and deploy resources as necessary to provide a safe travel experience on all modes. OneSTL Network
- Increase awareness of transportation safety and security initiatives by regional transportation agencies. OneSTL Network
An efficient St. Louis region effectively uses and reuses regional natural resources as well as investment capital and the skills and talents of our citizens. Efficiency applies to the region’s economy, to the functioning of local governments and to the creativity and capability of our work force.
Residents throughout the region have expressed concerns over rising energy costs. As energy costs rise, it results in increased operating expenses for businesses, governments, and institutions and increased housing expenses for citizens.
Energy efficiency is a key area the region can continue to save money and realize improved services. Local businesses and organizations have been successful in demonstrating new ways of doing business that save energy resources while providing high quality work and living environments. OneSTL partners will continue to develop tools and best practices to assist communities and local governments in improving efficiencies, reducing costs, improving fiscal health, and improving the quality of community services.
Goal 1: Increase conservation efforts.
Objective 1: Use energy conservation strategies to reduce economic and environmental costs.
- Document savings to municipalities that result from energy efficiency measures. USGBC-MGC, OneSTL Network
- Research variation in municipal building codes and energy standards within the region and promote code consistency through website, OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. USGBC-MGC, EWG
- Encourage region-wide reporting of energy use in buildings. USGBC-MGC
Objective 2: Decrease amount of waste deposited in landfills.
- Promote effective curbside recycling programs through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops offered in collaboration with waste haulers and recycling programs. SWMD
- Promote reduction, reuse and recycling of materials through social media. SWMD, SLED
- Use website to promote publicly sponsored recycling events, especially for hazardous and hard to recycle materials. OneSTL Network, SLC, SMWD, SLCo
- Support Solid Waste Districts in Missouri and encourage formation of similar programs in Illinois counties. LCN
- Encourage implementation of recycling facilities for municipal government buildings. SLC, OneSTL Network, SLED
Objective 3: Increase potable water efficiency, conservation and security.
- Document savings to municipalities resulting from water efficiency measures. HLC, MWIF
- Promote regional-wide consistency and performance in water efficiency standards. HLC, MWIF
Goal 2: Increase energy diversity.
Objective 1: Diversify energy sources to prepare for the challenges of an uncertain energy future.
- Provide model ordinances that facilitate installation of solar, wind and other energy sources through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG, CleanCities
- Install public outlets for charging electric cars. CleanCities
Goal 3: Improve access to fresh, local food.
Objective 1: Support local food production and distribution especially in areas that lack adequate retail outlets.
- Provide information to local government officials on farmers markets, truck farming and community supported agriculture. LSLN
- Facilitate communication and collaboration among local gardening and farming groups and local governments. LSLN
- Develop research on opportunities to expand local food production to benefit the regional economy. LSLN
Goal 4: Strengthen cross-jurisdictional planning that promotes efficient use of public resources.
Objective 1: Support cooperation in development and redevelopment planning.
- Encourage local governments to use for obtaining and sharing information. SLU, EWG
- Provide research and analysis to local governments that request assistance. EWG
Objective 2: Encourage coordination among the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), municipal traffic departments, local sewer, water and other agencies to maximize efficiencies of projects and investments.
- Identify key contacts within agencies to facilitate communication. EWG
- Actively share Transportation Improvement Plan with local sewer and water districts. EWG
Objective 3: Promote the efficient use of public resources and debt reduction.
- Host workshops for local government officials on finance and related subjects. OneSTL Network
Goal 5: Increase efficiency of economic development initiatives.
Objective 1: Increase density in core areas of the region.
- Encourage mixed-use Transit Oriented Development through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and OneSTL reports. Metro, CMT, EWG
- Encourage walkable downtown development in municipal planning through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG
Objective 2: Encourage development that supports existing infrastructure, commercial centers, and employment.
- Establish an evaluation process to determine whether publicly funded projects achieve goals and objectives of OneSTL. OneSTL Network
- Encourage Great Streets and downtown place-making to enhance local economic centers. EWG, OneSTL Network
Goal 6: Increase building and construction efficiency.
Objective 1: Design buildings and neighborhoods, and renovate and rehabilitate existing buildings, to maximize the efficient use of energy.
- Evaluate the potential for local government to adopt portions of the International Green Construction Code. USGBC-MGC
- Review energy codes of municipalities throughout the region and work to achieve consistent policies and standards. MBG, OneSTL Network
- Promote the value of energy efficient buildings and increase the square footage of thirdparty verified green space in the St. Louis region. Chamber, USGBC-MGC
Objective 2: Minimize waste and runoff during construction.
- Work with local regional stormwater management committees to address runoff plans and strategies. MSD, OneSTL Network
An educated St. Louis region provides high-quality opportunities to all citizens in all age groups and attainment levels.
The St. Louis region has a strong history of commitment to high quality education and diverse educational choices. The region has several nationally-recognized and ranked universities, research institutions, and professional training programs. However, residents throughout the region expressed concern about education quality and its importance to their own community and to regional vitality. Even in areas where people felt their schools were good, residents still expressed concern about overall educational quality.
The key to improving education is to identify and build upon the region’s existing strengths and assets. OneSTL partners will focus on improving educational standards and access across the region. On-going cooperation and coordination between education, business and government should address issues in student preparation and educational disparity, and identify the strategies to prepare all students to be life-long learners.
Goal 1: Improve overall quality of education.
Objective 1: Improve the quality of education at all levels.
- Convene an education task force that includes government, businesses, community and education leaders to study approaches to improving educational quality, document lessons learned, and recommend strategies for improving the educational quality and attainment of all St. Louisans, including adults. EWG, Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Foster public discussions about how to provide equitable access to education for all students. OneSTL Network
- Enhance the diversity of educational choices throughout the region. OneSTL Network, SLC
- Increase supplemental educational resources for students in under-performing school districts. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Incorporate lessons on life skills into public education.
- Support independent programs such as “Pathways to Prosperity” and “Ready by 21” that prepare all youth to be ready for the workforce and active members of society. EWG, Partners
- Include life skills curriculum for all workforce development programs. OneSTL Network
Objective 3: Prepare persons with disabilities to be active members of society.
- Support education and training programs for individuals with disabilities to enable them to achieve the highest possible degree of independence in the conduct of their daily lives. Stakloff, Paraquad
Goal 2: Build a globally competitive talent pool.
Objective 1: Support job training, trade school and other education programs that prepare people for skilled, production-based, and green jobs.
- Use Regional Chamber’s Greenprint and other studies to help prepare the region’s population for opportunities available in today’s marketplace. Chamber
Objective 2: Build a robust and adaptive pool of professionals through college graduation, technology programs, and efforts that encourage entrepreneurship.
- Foster collaboration to increase the percent of college-educated population in the St. Louis region. Chamber, OneSTL Network
- Increase the graduation rate for high school students throughout the region. OneSTL Network
- Form partnerships with local, national and international businesses, organizations, labor unions, learning institutions and workforce development centers to strengthen training curricula that addresses the needs of employers so the workforce can be eligible and competitive for employment. OneSTL Network
- Develop "paths to employment" training programs with major employers in the region. OneSTL Network
Goal 3: Increase citizen participation.
Objective 1: Educate youth, adults and community leaders about the importance of civic engagement and community service.
- Provide local governments with access to model community engagement programs and methods. EWG
- Support local government and participation initiatives. OneSTL Network
- Develop partnerships, programs and educational material to increase voter turnout. OneSTL Network
Goal 4: Expand education to improve effectiveness of government operations and services.
Objective 1: Provide capacity building opportunities for local government officials.
- Expand services of EWG educational programming for local government officials. EWG, LSLN
- Expand partnerships with local universities to improve education for local officials. EWG, OneSTL Network
- Design and deliver capacity building workshops for local government and community groups on sustainable practices. EWG, Trailnet, LSLN, GRG
- Create an urban forestry employment training program for high school students. SLC
Goal 5: Increase opportunities for life-long learning for all citizens.
Objective 1: Broaden public involvement in cultural and arts institutions, which provide informal education related to arts, culture, heritage, sustainability and the environment.
- Encourage partnerships among local government and universities, and cultural institutions to increase learning opportunities. ARC, OneSTL Network
Goal 6: Increase public understanding of healthy lifestyle choices.
Objective 1: Provide information on sustainability and climate change.
- Provide resources to enable local governments to educate the public about sustainability and climate change. OneSTL Network, SLED
- Increase awareness of how the public can utilize the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. OneSTL Network
Objective 2: Provide information on the importance of food choices, physical activity, alternative transportation choices, and other lifestyle choices.
- Organize an annual conference on Healthy and Active Living. Trailnet
- Conduct bike and pedestrian classes and campaigns to encourage the public, and especially youth and the disadvantaged populations to be more physically active. Trailnet, GRG
- Provide education and resources related to sustainable lifestyles such as recycling, composting and bicycle parking through festivals and events. MBG, SLC, OneSTL Network, SLED
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