Steering Committee

The Steering Committee was the primary governing body for the planning process. The role of the committee was to guide the development of the RPSD. The committee had 29 members that represented a diversity of organizations, constituents, and sectors. Eleven members represented the organizations that initiated the planning process in 2010 when they applied for a grant through the Partnership for Sustainable Communities.  These organizations are also known as the “Consortium Partners”. They have all provided matching funds and/or staff time for the grant and werre contractually obligated to fulfill specific tasks under the program work plan. The additional 18 members were asked to be on the Committee to ensure diverse racial, economic, geographic and sector representation.

The Steering Committee met quarterly.

Next Meeting Date and Time:

East-West Gateway Board Room

Committee Members

Previous Meeting Packets
Meeting Packets - 2013
Meeting Packets - 2012
Meeting Packets - 2011

Additional Reports and Materials

Summary Report of Steering Committee Meetings 2 and 3 In Summer 2011 the Steering Committee held a series of meetings conducted by Vector Communications to develop a shared frame of reference, establish guiding principles for the planning process and gain a common understanding of what is needed for the collaborative planning process to be successful.