Register Now for Creating Collaborative Opportunities...Meeting the Fair Housing Challenge, Friday, September 5:
- Published on Friday August 15th, 2014
Our goal is to inform and educate parties as to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing laws rules and regulations as well as how Fair Housing impacts various segments of our society. The city of St. Louis Civil Rights Enforcement Agency along with St. Louis County, East-West Gateway and OneSTL are sponsoring this regional discussion. Learning Objectives include an overview of fair housing laws; an explanation of how these laws apply to various segments of our population; details on how to enforce, apply and comply with the laws. The keynote speaker is Yvonne Sparks, assistant vice president and community development officer, at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. This all-day conference will be held September 5, at the Sheraton St. Louis City Center Hotel, 400 S. 14th Street, St. Louis. Learn more and link to the conference schedule, panelists and registration at The deadline to register is August 29.