Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
In a Nutshell
Reducing VMT can be accomplished by implementing various strategies from tools in the OneSTL Toolkit. These tools are listed below, along with additional methods for reducing VMT. The US national average VMT has declined in recent years, but traffic emissions continue to affect the environment and public health. Reducing VMT has the potential to improve regional air quality and shift travel to other transportation options that can promote physical activity and spur economic development.
Practical Solution
The “How To”
VMT can be reduced in several ways, and in fact some of the most successful VMT reductions use multiple methods for reduction. According to the EPA, Transportation Control Measures that can reduce VMT include well-known measures such as bicycle/pedestrian commuting, but also lesser-known programs such as incentives to encourage employers to have flexible work schedules (including telecommuting). Another is for cities to improve their response time to traffic accidents. Traffic accidents account for 1/4 of all traffic congestion in the United States. If the response/clean-up time were faster, traffic congestion would drop considerably. This article from New York State's department of transportation illustrates how effective land use planning can also be used to help reduce vehicle miles traveled.
VMT has been declining in the St. Louis Region. This article from East-West Gateway illustrates some of the history of the decline.
OneSTL tools that offer specific strategies to help lower VMT are:
- Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities and Programs
- Carpooling
- Complete Streets
- Density Bonuses
- Form-Based Codes
- Great Streets
- Mixed-Use Development
- Mixed-Use Zoning
- Parking Requirements - Reducing Minimums
- Transfer of Development Rights
- Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
- Universal Design & Multigenerational Communities
Planning & Zoning
USDOT's Federal Highway Administration provides the statutory language of several federal laws related to reducing VMT. The laws referenced include the Clean Air Act, the President's Climate Change Action Plan -1993 and the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Improvement Program. At various points in time, the Greater St. Louis region has been a non-attainment area for ozone pollution, and must plan to reduce VMT and associated pollution in order to meed federal standards. East-West Gateway provides a thorough review of the history of air quality in St. Louis as well as current goals and programming here.
Measuring Success
A decrease in VMT carries many benefits, as outlined by resources within this tool on other tabs. VMT Per Capita is a performance measure being tracked by OneSTL. Typically a local government would not calculate VMT themselves. However, the Federal Highway Administration offers information on the technical methodology on how VMT is calculated. They also offer a database on their transportation models and VMT methodologies in considerable technical detail. East-West Gateway also offers information on our region's air quality measurements.
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