Technical Planning Committee

The Technical Planning Committee was responsible for planning, research and data management, including development of a web based data portal. The Committee addressed the broad range of issues from housing, to the environment, to transportation and livability. The committee was led by Sarah Coffin, a professor at St. Louis University, and was broken down into five sub-committees. The committee is continually grew due to the nature of its role in the planning process. It included over 75 members that represented a diversity of organizations. 

The Technical Planning Committee met quarterly as a whole and had additional meetings of sub-committees on a regular basis.


Previous Meeting Minutes


Housing Subcommittee was responsible for informing the regional planning process and the OneSTL on the housing needs of the region and providing recommendations of how to address those needs. During the first part of the planning process, the committee analyzed housing and related data along with local knowledge and input from Community Planning Areas, surveys of local governments and others to document the priorities of local communities and the region as a whole. Next, the committee identified best practices, lessons learned, and strategies and recommendations for addressing the housing and community development related issues identified in the initial portion of the process. 

Previous Meeting Minutes

Transit-Oriented Development Subcommittee was formed to discuss and learn about TOD, how it might be defined for the St. Louis region, and the various aspects, motivations, and challenges of TOD planning and implementation. Issues such as best practices, market context, incentive programs, local ordinance models, performance measures, and development practices were included in the discussion. The committee also provided perspective and support, as requested, in conjunction with the TOD Study consultant team currently working in the region. Meetings were scheduled around guest speaker availability, periodic updates of the TOD Study process, or as needed.

East-West Gateway and its partners held four public meetings  to solicit public input about the potential for economic development near MetroLink light rail stations.  For more information, please visit

Environmental Best Practices Subcommittee worked on environmental issues in the region, including air quality, land use, energy efficiency, green infrastructure and water, local food and plants. The committee created the Sustainable Solutions Toolkit where stakeholders can find solutions and resources uniquely linked together that address these issues. Those involved with the Environmental Best Practices group were committed to creating a toolkit that offers a range of solutions - from simplistic to sophisticated. The committee also linked best practices with corresponding educational components and addressed the economic impact of implementing best practices – making implementation of best practices easier for communities or individuals to initiate.

Previous Meeting Minutes

Additional reports and materials:
Presentation: EBP Toolkit Categories , August 2011
Presentation: Best Management Practices Toolkits and Plans, July 2011

Scenario Planning Subcommittee developed a baseline and two alternative planning scenarios for each Community Planning Area. Scenario planning tools can help decision makers, planners, and the public examine and quickly comprehend the impacts of current growth patterns and various alternative development options for the future. Scenario planning tools used by the team included a land use model to predict future areas of growth, a watershed model to assess water quality and flooding impacts, and regional transportation and air quality models to assess air pollution and global warming impacts. The Scenario Planning Subcommittee worked with the planning and research team to help communicate the results of this work to each CPA and determine how to best incorporate feedback from the CPAs into the scenario plans.

Meeting Minutes - August 2011

Data Portal Subcommittee assisted in developing a web portal that fed the planning information needs of the grant and ultimately the region. The data portal will provide web-based geographic information about OneSTL and provide the region with web-based resources to implement the OneSTL.  Membership on this committee included those who are involved with GIS and other information for their organizations. All of the Technical Planning subcommittees, as well as others, were key in developing the content for the Portal. Contact the committee chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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